Chapter 23: Location

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Pidge's POV

I couldn't help but gasp and scream into the phone as I heard my best friends voice. I felt like it had been forever since I had even seen his face let alone his voice. 

"Oh my gosh, Keith!" 

I felt tears come to my eyes and shook my head as I realized the goal of this entire thing. Getting Keith back. I started rapidly typing algorithms and diagnosis into the computer in order to get a trace on the IP address. 

"P-pidge. How is everyone...?" 

I only chuckled. He wasn't even worried about himself anymore. He was worried about everyone else. 

"Everyone is good Keith. I promise you. How are you doing?" 

There was a pause. Nothing but static over the line. It worried me and I was impatiently waiting for the IP address to stop rerouting. I knew I would be able to get across this. I had to. For Keith. 

"Keith? You there?" 

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine Pidge. I promise." 

I could tell just from the sound of his voice that he was far from okay. He was hurting. And it sounded like he was hurt pretty bad too. I could only imagine exactly how he looked. I frowned and was finally happy when the GPS had started to pinpoint a location. 

I was about to respond when the door had opened behind me. It took me a moment to even realize that it was Lance who walked in. Lance saw that a call was in progress with an unknown number and that a location was coming up. 


His voice was slightly shaky and he took in some shaky breathes. He steps forward and takes the phone in his hands even though the phone was on speaker. I only smiled and allowed the two of them to talk. 

"Lance? Is that really you?" 

"Yeah. Keith, it's me. I swear. We are going to find you I promise." 

"Lance... I..." 

There was a sound on the other end that was muffled. Something had dropped on the end of the line. I looked at the phone in curiosity and worry. Something must have happened. 


There was no answer. I glanced over at Lance and I could already tell he wasn't handling it well. I couldn't blame him. 

"Keith? Are you there? What happened?" 

There was a sound on the other end that sounded as if the phone was being picked up from the ground. 


That made me freeze in my chair. That was definitely Keith's voice no matter how scratchy and destroyed his voice sounded. 

"~Well, I do hope that you enjoyed that. You see, this was all just a ploy so you could hear his voice one last time. I thought that was one thing I could at least give you.~" 

That was when Lance went ballistic. I was feeling the exact anger that he was, no doubt, except he was the one that decided to express the feelings that he had toward the bastard.

"You know what, you son of a bitch, you best be glad that I am not over there right now otherwise you would be six feet in the dirt. I would bash your head in so far, that you'd be dead before you could blink. I will make your life a living hell. Once I get my boyfriend back, and don't worry because I will get him back, I will be sure to make my face, the last face you see." 

"~Aww Lance. I'm flattered! You best keep all that anger. Your going to need it." 

And just like that, the phone hung up. I felt a hot tear trail down my face and I could practically hear my heart drop. I looked over at Lance who didn't even seem to be breathing as he just crumbled to the floor. I only turned and moved once again when I heard a small beeping from the computer. 

'Location found.' 

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