Chapter 13: Unbelievable

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Keith's POV

I couldn't believe that he was back. Now that I really thought, I knew my true thoughts. I knew I had a seizure and I knew that it was more than inevitable for him to find me. It was only a matter of time. I was stuck in blackness. It was peaceful if I were being honest. I was just stuck in emptiness. However, it would be great if Lance were here. I miss him. I had a crush on him for a while now. That is what I had come to recognize.

Suddenly, the picture in my head changed. I was back in my old house. With my mom and dad. It seemed like I was only about four months old when I was just sitting in her arms. Everything seemed peaceful. Dad was smiling. It was almost creepy. It seemed like a dream but I knew it wasn't. I could just feel that it was real. Mom was so beautiful. Just like I remember her to be. She was also happy but she wasn't just smiling. She was singing me a song. A song that she used to sing to me every night when I went to sleep. I couldn't help but feel tears well up in my eyes from remembering those happy times.

I smiled myself and noticed that my tiny self was already sound asleep gripping onto my mom for dear life as if she was going to leave me. Little did I know that she did. I noticed Shiro walk into the room and that is when the tears really started to fall. I hadn't seen Shiro in forever and it was like he had never changed. I wiped my eyes to get a better view since my tears were blurring the picture or vision in front of me. When I looked up from doing so however, everything was red. Blood covered the floor around my mothers body and my father smiling ear to ear. He was looking straight at me. I looked down and noticed that I had a shadow. I didn't know how it was possible but the shadow was much smaller than I was. Almost like I was in first grade. It was the very same day. I looked up and noticed my father right in front of me. I jumped and just stood there.

I noticed someone walking in the background and hesitantly moved over toward it leaving my father in the same position. It was a rather large figure. Like a teenager or maybe even a young adult. I looked back and noticed the scene had disappeared. The figure was still there when I turned around. Their back was to me so I couldn't see their face. Their hair was so familiar I just couldn't put my finger on it. They wore a blue sweatshirt which was oddly familiar. It then finally clicked.

The brown hazelnut hair and the blue sweatshirt that he would always wear to practice. I took in a sharp breath which the figure seemed to notice. I watched as he twitched. He turned around and that is when I noticed the blood coming out of his eyes. The beautiful eyes that I loved to look into whenever we talked. The ones I would get lost in. They were replaced with black nothingness. I felt my eyes widen and the tears that I had wiped away, appeared once more. They were heavier on my face and more and more were escaping a second.


I gulped and noticed the scared and horrified look he gave me. I don't know how he knew that I was there but he knew. Lance. He was fully turned around now and showed the full extent of his injuries. Blood stained on his sweatshirt which was ruined to a great extent. Blood was coming out of his eye sockets and dripping down his face falling onto the floor making a sound that sounded very distant. Nothing appeared on the floor however which was odd. I couldn't bring myself to speak. It was also the fact that I couldn't. I had opened my mouth to call for him but no noise came out.

He seemed to be getting farther away. I noticed that it was actually true. He was being pulled from me. I tried to go to him but I was stuck in place. I put my arm out and stretched as far as I could but with little effect. I felt something rise up in my throat and I didn't realize it until late that it was actually sound. My voice was back. I did the only thing any person in my situation would do. Scream and call out.


I felt light blind my eyes before I could react. I jerked up with sweat covering me and making my hair stick to my forehead. I was breathing heavily and it felt like I was dying. I don't think I was since they wouldn't let something like a seizure cause death in a hospital. Right?

I looked around me and noticed Lance to my side. He seemed to be saying things. I couldn't comprehend what it was. I opened my mouth to speak but before anything could get out, I felt lips connect with mine. My eyes jerked open and I realized what was actually going on.

Lance had just kissed me.

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