Chapter 12: Twisted

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Hope you all are enjoying the story! If you have any suggestions on where you want the story to go, let me know! Sorry this chapter is a little short. Anyway, Bye Bitches! 👋🏻

Keith's POV

For once in a long while I was having fun. People that I had grown close to and people that I trusted were with me. Everything might actually be alright now.

While I was having fun with them and slowly healing, a while ago, I must have forgot about the phone call I received a few days ago. The one that caused me freak. It was at the time that he decided to show that my mind remembered.

As he walked through the door, My mind went blank. I could feel my eyes go wide as if they were coming out of their sockets. How did he know where I was? Why would he come back?

Well, I'm sure he came back to get me again but that was beside the point. It's not like I could run away because I was stuck in this god damn hospital bed. I squirmed farther away from the door.

Pidge knew about him and knew what to do. I felt her grip my hand and when I looked at her, she was glaring at him with everything she had. Lance had shut the door and walked back toward me. While Lotor stayed at the door. He had his arms crossed and a huge grin on his face. That's what probably scared me the most.

Lance leaned toward me and whispered in my ear.

"Why is he here?"

Lance must have remembered him from when he beat me up in school and he saved me. I didn't think he did remember. Lucky me.

"~Keithy! Long time no see!~"

Lotor's words made a shiver crawl down my spine. I had gripped the bed sheets making my knuckles white. That's when Lance decided to speak up.

"What the hell are you doing here? What do you want with Keith?"

Lotors smirk grew wider and walked forward slightly. He didn't seem fazed by Lance's words which didn't shock me at all.

"~Visiting him obviously! The last time we saw each other, we didn't have such a fun time. I wanted to apologize for my actions.~"

He was right. The last that we saw each other, I had the worst time. That's when he decided to have the best fun he could have before he went away. Let's just say, it resulted in a lot of bruising, drugs and I wasn't able to move for 2 days afterwards. I shifted uncomfortably not knowing exactly what to do.

"~Keith. I'm willing to let go all that I did and start over.~"

Then he did something that I didn't expect him to do. He came over to my bed and hugged me. I couldn't do anything but freeze. I couldn't move. My eyes went wide but I didn't hug back either. Nobody in the room dared to move. Especially Pidge because she knew everything that happened.

I didn't expect the hug but I also didn't expect what he said either. Lotor not only hugged me but he decided to whisper something in my ear.

"Don't think that just because your 'friends' are here, doesn't mean you won't get away from me that easily. I'll be coming for you Keithy."

Before I could do anything he pulled away and gave a big vicious grin before he left out of the door. I couldn't do anything. I felt myself shaking and just by his touch, it disgusted me. I already felt dirty. I wanted to get up and get a shower but it felt like I couldn't even feel my legs.

Everyone started to look concerned. I didn't know what happened afterwards as I felt my body start to shake more and my vision go dark. The last thing I saw was Pidge's concerned face.


Lance's POV

I started getting cornered when the guy came into the room and hugged Keith. Just their faces alone showed how much I shouldn't trust the guy. I wanted to push him off of Keith and out the door but before I could act, he got off of Keith and left the room.

I looked over at Keith and saw how badly he was shaking. I knew I definitely shouldn't trust the guy then. I was going to go over and check and see if Keith was okay but before I could do anything, Keith fell back into the bed and start seizing. I didn't know what to do as I rushed out the door and started calling for the nurses. Pidge was next the Keith screaming his name and tearing up.

As the nurses burst through the door with some doctors, they pushed me and Pidge out of the door so they could do their job. I understood but I wanted to stay with Keith. I didn't know why but I felt this feeling in my stomach that made me want to be closer to Keith. Could it be... love?

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