Chapter 21: Team

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Keith's POV

I saw light slowly start to appear in my field of vision. I realized that my eyes were still closed so I tried to flutter them open. It was like my eyelids were taped or even glued down. I was finally able to pry my eyes open after several already failed attempts. It took a minute for my vision to fully focus on the scene that was around me. I could barley remember what actually happened at the moment. I couldn't process anything. Everything was just blank. 

I was finally able to clear my head as my eyes no longer had the black outline around my vision. It was dark around and it didn't even seem like any windows were around. Nothing was lined on the walls as far as I could tell. I struggled to get any outline of everything. I went to move forward when I was stopped. I just simply couldn't move. I felt restraint around my wrists. It felt like rope. I wasn't sitting in a chair but my hands were behind my back. I started to slightly panic. 

My breathing became heavy and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. My eyes slowly widened and I held my breath as memories washed over my subconscious. How could I have let something like this happen? I let him find me and I let him get me and corner me. 

As I came to this realization, as if on cue, a door swung open in front of me causing a bright light to shine through. The sensitivity to the light caused me to shut my eyes tightly. I already knew who opened the door. There was only one person that it could be. 

My eyes popped open as I blinked profusely. I came face to face with the long white hair that I awfully dreaded. I gulped as his face simply came closer to mine and the smile that I was all too familiar with came back. That smile would haunt me for as long as I know of. I hated it more than anything in the world. And he knew this. 

"~Keith! Here we are! Finally together again! We would have the best times together!" 

I flinched at the way that he had said that specific sentence. He said it as if everything was normal and I wasn't just kidnapped or tied up. I tried to back up as far as I could from him but was only stopped by his hand attaching itself around my throat. 

I held my breathe as his grip started to tighten. I started to choke from lack of oxygen and let out deep gasps. I was desperate. 

"~Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, now why would you try and do that Keithy? I thought we were having such a fun time! You don't want to make me mad do you?" 

I didn't think about anything as I only just shook my head violently. I didn't want to die. Not today. I needed to see Lance for. Let him know exactly how much I loved him. 

"~Good! Then, we can have some fun! You remember our games don't you?" 

I jerked at the mention of it. I didn't show any sign of an answer. He eventually let go of me and I took in great gulps of air. I choked harshly and started to shake. Lotor advanced on me and as I got a glimpse on what happened just trying to back up, I didn't try to do anything as he advanced on me. I couldn't. It was if I was paralyzed with fear. 

Lance's POV

I stood in front of a house that was unfamiliar to me. I assumed that it was Matt's house since she did tell me that he lived nearby. But, she said that she knew someone better than Matt. I don't exactly know what is going on. She neglected to inform both me and Hunk. Hunk had awkwardly stood next to me. 

Pidge was up at the door and knocked. It took only a few seconds for an answer before a practically larger and male version of Pidge appeared in the doorway. That was definitely Matt. I could practically feel Hunk sweat drop next to me and I was on the verge of doing the same. We both had our eyes on Pidge and her brother and I was still bothered not being put in the loop on what she was thinking and what was going on. 

Pidge had finally turned out and called us over. We both walked up. 

"Lance, Hunk, this is my brother Matt. I was just filling him in on what was going on. Listen, so there is someone else that is perfect for this mission. Matt has agreed to work with us." 

"No I didn't" 

Matt spoke up about this which caused me to just become more confused as ever. 

"Well, he didn't say it out loud but I answered for him. He has no choice. If he doesn't than I can always reveal that on his computer he vi-" 

Matt slammed a hand over Pidge's mouth. 

"That's enough! I will help you. I just need to talk to him and I need to make sure he will be okay." 

I finally decided to speak up. 

"Okay. Who the hell are we meeting?!" 

As if on cue, footsteps were heard from inside the house. 

"Matt? Who is at the-" 

The mysterious figure was in view and I stood frozen. It was him. The same exact guy that I had gotten jealous over just because I saw him kiss Keith. Who was he? I was practically seething with anger.

"Lance, Hunk, this is Shiro. Keith's brother." 

I was still frozen in my spot but this time my mouth was wide open. I knew that I looked stupid. Hunk must have noticed how stupid I actually looked because he nudged me slightly which caused me to straighten out and clear my throat. 


"Yeah... and you are?" 

"I guess we have a lot to talk about then." 

-Time Skip-

"Keith's been kidnapped by a long time bully and predator? You didn't protect him from this? You are his boyfriend! Why didn't you protect him?" 

"Why didn't you Shiro? You left him alone! You left him to deal with his father, the affects of the death of his mother, Lotor's bitch ass! You are his big brother and you left him because of your own personal feelings." 

The room fell silent. The conversation was just a simple introduction and catch up. It wasn't supposed to end up with a big argument like this. As I spoke my words, I knew I would regret it. Pidge decided to speak up. 

"Guys! Do you really think that Keith would want you guys to be arguing about this right now? He needs you both right now. Now are we going to keep arguing, or are we going to save Keith and put Lotor six feet under?" 

Everyone looked over at each other. Me and Shiro linked eyes and we both noted that Keith was the one link between us and we couldn't let that. I stood up and let out a smile. 

"Team Voltron is going to form. With all of us, we can save the love of my life." 

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