Chapter 5: Secret Love Song

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Lances POV

I saw Keith at the park today while me and my friends were playing football. He looked adorable sitting on the bench like an emo. I secretly liked his ass so much but I needed to keep up a reputation to get into college professionally playing football. My friend I noticed stopped playing while I was in my own little fantasy world and I watched as they teased and beat up Keith. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't help him even though there was a feeling in me deep down that told me I should have.

I watched as Keith looked at me with pleading eyes and I stared back but quickly looked away careful not to lose myself in them. I felt so guilty. Once they came back I could hear them talking about him and I didn't want to get caught up in the conversation so I went up to one of the jocks, Jason, and told him I was going home.

I didn't actually go home.

I called up my friend Hunk on the way toward my house to show my friends as if I was walking home.

"Hey, buddy! What's up?"

I made me smile to find my best friend being happy to talk to me. In school, I talked to him and my friends would laugh at me for it but I didn't care because I've known him since Kindergarten and he has helped me through a bunch of shit.

"I need to talk to you. Can I come over?"

"Yeah, sure buddy. It is about.... him?"

I didn't answer but it seemed he already knew.

"Okay. I'll be here waiting okay?"

"Okay, I'll see you then."

I hung up and once I was far away from the fields, I ran towards Hunks house and started thinking about the one time I helped him with Lotor in the hallway of the school. I only helped him at that time because nobody was around that would make fun of me for it. He looked so beat up.

Flashback begins

I walked through the hallway and I felt depressed because Hunk wasn't in school that day and I didn't see Keith anywhere that day. I usually see Keith during the fifth period and at the end of the day. I seemed to be the last one in the hallway or so I thought.

I walked toward the stairs of the high school and noticed two people near the lockers closer to the stairs. I then noticed that one of them was on the ground while the other was proudly standing above them kicking them and shouting words in their face.

I wouldn't care if that was just any person but I could recognize that mullet anywhere. My eyes widened as I dropped my book bag and ran toward the two. I was surprised that none of the teachers were around to notice or stop this because they are always bothering students about bullying and keep watch and being there for all the students. Well, that wasn't fucking real now, was it. I found out the truth.

I finally reached the pair and pushed the person that was on top of Keith currently kicking him in the chest and screaming about how worthless he was. How dare he do that! That's my Keith their talking too! I wouldn't love him if he was worthless. I looked at Keith and saw him curled up in a ball refusing to look in my eyes.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I screamed in his face as he was on the ground.

I saw him scramble away but with a smile on his face looking back at Keith. Keith looked confused as I reached out my hand to him and asked if he was okay. He was definitely crying but I didn't care. He stuttered as he said he was fine. A slight pause in his voice.

"What was that asshole's name? I've never seen him around here before.

He seemed to hesitate as he said his name.

"He... His name is... Lotor."

He looked even more upset after he said the name. I felt so bad for him. I didn't want to see him in pain. I loved him too much to see him in pain. I got out of my secret gay thoughts and remembered that I just watched Keith get beat up.

"Keith, why did Lotor beat you up? Where the heck is he from? Why was he beating you up?"

He seemed nervous and he seemed like he didn't want to answer. Why did my ass have to be so persistent!!?? UGHGHGHGH! Even though Keith was hesitant he still answered my stupid questions while he was in pain and bleeding.

"He came from Galra High. (The neighboring High School) He was... my boyfriend for a few months. Apparently, he isn't the person... I... Thought..."

Well, my crush had just passed out in my hands. I didn't know what to think except that my potential boyfriend needs help and I'm not doing anything about it got to run!

Flashback will continue.... in the next chapter :)

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