Chapter 19: Goodbyes

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Keith's POV

I woke up to a great amount of warmth on my right side. There was no light shining through the window and only the sounds of crickets and owls could be heard. I blinked a few times in order to remember the actions of what happened but it all became clear once I realized that I wasn't wearing any clothes. I felt my face go red and I felt heat rise to my face once I saw the silhouette of Lance at my side. I gulped and looked around the room seeing our clothes bunched up on the floor. 

"Must of been good if I really don't remember much." 

I mumbled multiple sentences to myself in order to place things back in order. I was thankfully on the edge of the bed farthest from the wall so it was easier for me to able to reach my clothes. I slowly got up from the bed and stopped moving once I heard Lance groan slightly by my side. I was eventually able to get out of the bed and successfully grab my clothes. I slipped them on with no trouble other than the slight pain that was in my ass. I shook my head and noticed a light suddenly come on in the room. I stalked over to it and noticed that it was Lance's phone screen. 

I really didn't want to snoop and go against his privacy but it was the only source of light I had to be able to find my own crappy phone. I picked up the phone and saw the time was about 2:35 in the morning. I didn't even think that it was really that early in the day. I then saw the text message that popped up. It was from Allura. Was he still talking to her? Did they still..? I really didn't want to think about it. My anxiety was building up inside me too much for me to ignore the text. I didn't know his password but I knew I could click on the message as if I was going to reply to it. 

"Don't think that you are going to be able to avoid my ass for long Lance McClain. I will be sure to beat your ass into the ground the next time I ever see your face or your fag of a boyfriend. We were meant to be together so you can just get over the act now. Always trying to be the center of attention. Don't think that you can get out of this." 

I felt myself start to tear up. How could he be getting threats like this and not tell me about it. There were multiple texts before this from her but he never responded to them. There was no sign that he even tried to interact with her at all. I set the phone down after catching a glimpse of my own phone. I had picked it up and saw a message from my father but I didn't even bother to look at it. I know that if I stayed around Lance he would only end up getting hurt but I knew that if I told him anything about leaving, he would just follow after me and convince me that he wasn't going to get hurt. I only sighed and placed his phone back down where it was. 

I put on my shoes and picked up a piece of paper and a pen that was on his dresser nearby. I only wrote a simple paragraph. 

"I know that you don't want me to go home but I don't want to be a burden to you and your family. I don't think I should have ever dragged you into my problems. I hope you understand. I love you. -K" 

I smiled at what I wrote and was sure to place it on the pillow that was underneath my head when I had woken up. I leaned down and placed a kiss on his head before I slowly opened his door and walked down the stairs hesitant not to make any noise. I opened his front door and shut it letting out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. I didn't realize how chilly it was and how I wished that I had a jacket at hand. I gripped my arms and crossed them to my chest. I let out a breath through my mouth which revealed what seemed like smoke. 

I stopped in my tracks as I was about halfway toward my house. I had that weird sixth sense where the hair stood on the back of my neck and the weird feeling that someone was watching me. I felt myself start to shake a little more but it wasn't due to the cold. It was due to the hint of fear. I hated this feeling and I hated it with a great passion. I didn't know if I should continue walking toward my house or if I should just turn around and walk toward Shiro's house or even Pidge's house. I shook my head and just ran straight toward my initial destination. 

I jerked as I felt a hand touch my shoulder. I turned around to face the greatest fear that was in my life. My eyes widened and I felt my breath quicken. I couldn't do this. Not again. I told myself that I wouldn't let this happen. I opened my mouth to either scream or just call for help but I was too late. The hand was placed over my mouth and his face leaned in toward my ear. 

"~Hello again beautiful. I missed you oh so much~" 

-Time Skip- 

Lance's POV 

I woke up and placed my arm over to my side in order to cuddle Keith closer to me. I never thought that I would have that kind of sex in my life. I didn't ever have sex with Allura and I have to say that I was glad that Keith was the one to steal my virginity. I frowned slightly as I turned my both away from the wall not seeing Keith at my side. I sat up and saw only my clothes were on the floor and I saw the note on the pillow. Before looking at the specific words that were written on the piece of paper, I got up out of the bed and got my clothes. Unfortunately, I couldn't wear that as they were covered in the...sticky,white substance that was commonly around last night. 

I grabbed new clothes and got dressed later throwing my dirty clothes in the hamper that was in the corner of my room. I went over to the pillow and read the note that was on my pillow. I sighed and rubbed my eyes. 

"Keith. Your not a burden." 

I knew that he wasn't around to hear me say that but it was something that I felt like needed to be said. I put my shoes on and grabbed my phone ready to head out the door when I noticed the text from Allura was open. It seemed as though someone read it and I knew that Keith was the one to read it. I frowned and ignored the horrible feeling in my gut. I convinced myself to go out the door and travel down toward Keith's house. I was right in front of the door when my phone started to ring. I pulled it out of my pocket to see the caller ID as 'Unknown'. I questioned it, of course, but something told me that I should answer it. 


"~Well, well, well. You must be the one who decided it was alright to date my Keithy~" 

I froze as the voice was suddenly recognizable.


All I could do was growl at the sound. I hated him with all my gut. All I wanted to do was protect Keith from this bastard. 

"~The one and only. You see, I loathe you. I know what you did last night with him. Stealing him from me. HE'S MINE YOU KNOW! Anyway, I believe that this could all be solved shortly. I will convince him to stay with me~." 

"Stay? You mean..." 

"~Keith is with me as we speak and this is where he will stay. Currently he is...sleeping so he can't come to the phone right now. Want to leave a message~?"

"You son of a bitch."

"~Now don't take that tone with me or I just might want to send you one of Keith's body parts and we wouldn't want to hurt that pretty little face of his. We love him too much to do that. Stay away from him Lance. Don't come looking. You won't find him. I hope you understand. Bye bye Lance.~" 

That is when the call ended and I was left standing in front of my boyfriends house with no boyfriend inside. Tears trailed down my face as I didn't exactly know what I would do next. All I could do was worry. I can't do this alone. 

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