Chapter 26: Pieces of Me

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Keith's POV

I looked around the green field that was around me. I was sitting on the field that had dandelions covering it. I couldn't help but smile. The wind wasn't strong and it just felt peaceful. It was questionable how I had even gotten here but the questions seemed to fade because of the scenery.

"I always loved this place. Reminds me of the good times. Nothing bad."

I looked over to see Lance suddenly sitting by my side. When did he get here? What was he doing here?

"Lance? What is this place?"

"Your mind created a subconscious mind scape. A place that would make you feel happy. For example, a memory."

"A memory...."

I was going to continue but before I could, laughing had interrupted. Laughing that was all too familiar.

"Mommy! Ahhh!"

I looked over to see a little boy around the age of 4 running through the field. Nearby was a picnic blanket that had a basket sitting on top of it. There was a woman sitting next to it. A woman that I haven't seen in a long time.


I watched as the lady got up and started to chase after the little boy. Both of them were laughing as they circled trees. The woman eventually caught the child and they tumbled to the ground.

"That's you Keith. I'm surprised you don't remember this day. It was the day before I had started first grade. The last time you ever really had a good time with your mother."

I looked over at his starting to tear up. I could slightly remember this time if I really thought about it. Then, something hit me.

"Why do I need a mind scape? What happened?"

Lance turned to me as he gave a sad smile.

"The point of a mindscape is to escape what is happening to you. If I told you, it would break the purpose."

Suddenly, I started to feel dizzy. Sick to my stomach. I don't know how or why. I had grasped my stomach and almost crashed to the floor if it wasn't for mindscape Lance.

"Let's go."

I was pulled into a different image. This time, it was Lances room. It was a night that was only about a week ago.

"I remember this."

I looked toward the bed and noticed both me and Lance cuddled up in each other's arms on the bed. We weren't asleep and we were fully clothed.



"You know...maybe this could be it?"

Memory me had looked at him with a questionable look.

"What do you mean?"

"In the future, when we are all grown up and you are running some sort of company or I am raising an orphanage...maybe we could be...together."

I had chuckled at myself just as Memory me had done the same thing.

"We are already together."

Lance had sighed and moved his body facing mine. He looked me in the eyes and smiled.

"I mean as my husband. You could be my wonderful husband and maybe, we could even have a mini Alex running around."


"The name of our future son."

I had started to cry in the moment. I remember it so well.

"Lance, I'll be the happiest man in the world to marry you. Except I don't think I would be naming our son Alex."

I had started to chuckle as Lance had too. I swiped a tear away that ran down my face.

"This was one of the happiest moments I had ever had."

The Lance that had traveled with me was by my side. I had forgotten all about the pain I had earlier. I didn't even feel any anymore.

Lance's POV

My finger was just itching to kill the son of a bitch. I couldn't wait to see his body on the floor. I don't know if that makes me a monster or a good person.

"~You are just no fun, Lance.~"

Lotor had gotten up and thrown Keith's body onto the bed with zero remorse. Keith was knocked out and it visibly looked peaceful despite the fact he was just raped. Tear stands were on his face which was to be expected.

"~You know, your boy toy is really fun to play with. You should try it sometime.~"

"He isn't a boy toy! He is my goddamn boyfriend you narcissistic asshole!"

"~Such a foul mouth you have Lance. You kiss your boyfriend with that?~"

I had no response as the others came running up behind me. I could hear the gaps and I could only imagine the looks on their faces.

"You son of a bitch!"

Shiro tried to push through and attached Lotor with machetes swinging.


I had shouted at him as I held him back and pushed him away.

"No matter how much I want to kill him right now, we need answers."

Shiro seemed to get it as he backed off and just glared at man who was torturing his brother.

"~Now, shall I tell you a story?~"

Lotor gave a smirk as I kept the gun trained on him.

"Okay. Let's talk."

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