Chapter 24: Remember The Name

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Keith's POV

As Lotor had spoken into the phone to my boyfriend, I could hear what he was saying. Granted, I couldn't hear the exact words that were being said but I could hear just how angry he was. I couldn't blame him. I would be angry too. I hated that I was put in a situation like this. I hate that I put him and all of my friends, even my brother that I recently found, in danger. 

I was being held back by some of Lotor's minions and as much as I had tried to struggle, I knew I wouldn't last a chance. They were much stronger than I was and even if I was at my greatest strength, I still wouldn't have stood a chance. 

As Lotor hung up and turned toward me, I held my breath. If looks could kill, I would be more than dead. If that was even possible. He stalked toward me and it seemed like every step he took, I was closer to dying. I shook my head so violently that I was surprised it didn't fall off. My eyes were trying to look at anything other than him. I couldn't focus on him. No. I can't. 

He was finally in front of my and the minions seemed to lessen the grip that they had on my arms. I wanted to take a step back or even try to run but my body froze. I was stuck in the position of immense fear. I didn't notice him lift his hand and grip my throat. I let out a gasp of surprise and coughed as the grip tightened ever so slightly. 

"~I knew you couldn't resist something like that. It was right in front of you. Your freedom. But, why would you ever want to get away from me? Aren't I irresistible?~"

He leaned forward toward my ear and whispered those last few words to me. It would have made me grimace if I wasn't slowly losing breathe. I couldn't...I couldn't...I couldn't breathe. I lifted my hands toward his and gripped his wrists with as much force as I could muster. He didn't like that as he gripped tighter and bit my ear pulling on it slightly. 

"~Mmmm this is kind of kinky don't you think?" 

He let out a few breathes as he got closer to me. His body pushed against mine as close as he could and I could feel the bulge that was forming from his pants. I wanted to vomit. This was disgusting. I feel disgusted. I'm so dirty. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. 

Suddenly he let go of me. I was thrown to the floor as I coughed harshly and massaged my throat as much as I could to try and get rid of the pain. I looked up to see Lotor with a syringe. I couldn't tell what it was filled with. It looked like some sort of clear liquid. I shook my head vigorously trying to crawl backwards away from him. But he advanced too quickly. The next thing I knew, I hit a wall and the syringe was placed into my arm. I yelped slightly as it was inserted and then I suddenly felt woozy. I couldn't...see. Darkness clouded my vision as I started to fear for my life. 

Lance's POV

Me, Pidge, Hunk, and Shiro were standing outside the abandoned building. According to Pidge, it was some sort of old psychiatrist building. Matt had stayed behind manning the computers. Shiro was able to provide us with some comms due to his work setting. He wouldn't exactly reveal what it is. Maybe he was some secret spy? Anyway, it doesn't matter now. Everyone just wanted to find Keith. 

I wasn't normally a violent person but this time, I couldn't help the anger flowing through me. I took the gun that I have in my hands and I turn it in my hands making sure that I knew what I was doing. Safety off. Gun loaded. Gun cocked. I didn't exactly know how to shoot one and I didn't have any experience in carrying one but it didn't matter. Thanks to Pidge's dad, it was now in my position. I would do anything to get my boyfriend back.

Hunk wasn't a violent person at all so he refused to carry a weapon. However, he did agree to be by my side no matter what so he insisted in coming. He had a flashlight in one hand a baseball bat hoping that maybe he wouldn't have to get too violent. He still needed to be safe. 

Pidge carried a cow prod meaning to, and I quote, 'Stun the shit out of the motherfucker who stole my best friend.' She turned it on and off in order to hear the electricity that was crackling through it. I knew deep down that she wouldn't hesitate to use it. 

Shiro carried, not one, but two machetes. He had said that he was trained with them through work. I didn't understand what ind of job he would have had that required that but I had to trust him if I was to work with him on this. I believed that he would do anything for his brother just as I would do for my boyfriend. 

We all stood in front of the door holding our weapons in our hands. Matt had pinged all our comms together. 

"There seems to be able five different heat signatures in the building. Three of them seem to be in the same space while the other two are farther away. They seem to be guards of a sort. I believe Keith to be with the three of them. I would suggest being discrete with the other two." 

"Understood. No backing down. Help us lead the way." 

"Right on. Leader." 

I nodded as I looked at the others who were with me. They nodded as a signal of understanding and I only smiled. 

"Lets go get my boyfriend back." 

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