Chapter 22: Telephone

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Lance's POV

We were all sitting in Shiro and Matt's living room. My leg was bouncing up and down being a nervous wreck for the state that they may find my boyfriend in. I could tell that Shiro was feeling the same way. He had a scowl written on his face as if he was thinking the same thing that I was. I knew that Keith was strong but when it came to Lotor, it was like he completely collapsed. 

I couldn't take any of the silence anymore. Everyone wanted to save Keith but we didn't know where to look at all. I stood up causing everyone's eyes to turn toward me. 

"Okay. What we need is to come up with a plan. There is no way that we are going to just sit here. The police aren't exactly going to be that helpful because, as we know from early years, Lotor has them wrapped around his finger." 

When I had first met Lotor, he would brag on and on about his father being police chief and how he would always get out of trouble. He was manipulative and easy when it comes to blaming someone on his own actions. That is when Pidge stood up suddenly getting an idea.  

"What if we track the cell phone ping from the phone call that you got? It could lead us to where Keith is."

Everyone nodded and Matt placed a hand on Pidge's shoulder. 

"My sister was always the techy geek she could do it." 

Hunk chuckled and nodded. 

"Sounds like a plan. How long will it take?" 

"I don't know. I'll have to back log the call from Lance's phone. It could take up to 2 hours." 

"Just take your time Pidge. Anything helps." 

Pidge nodded as I handed my phone over to her. I watched as she ran off to, I assume, Matt's room to look for a laptop and some cables to connect the device. I sighed and sat back down in the chair not knowing what to do with my time. 

"Does anybody want some refreshments?" 

Hunk was always one to bake or find food comforting in though times. Shiro ended up nodding and stood up to join Hunk in the kitchen. 

"I can show you where everything is." 

Before Shiro left, I didn't even notice him walk over and bend down to my level as I was sitting in the chair. 

"He will be okay. We will find him Lance. He is strong." 

I only nodded and, unexpectedly, brought Shiro into a tight embrace which he returned. He broke it off and walked into the kitchen leaving just myself in the living room. Matt had went with Pidge into the room to help her with some technical difficulties. 

"Please be okay Keith..." 

Keith's POV

I curled myself up in the corner of the room. I couldn't stop myself from shivering. It was just so cold. It didn't help that all of my clothes have been removed due to the acts that was committed. 

I looked up and noticed a slight bit of light peak through the door. I went to go toward it and only then did I notice that I was chained up like I was before. Oh, yeah, Lotor said they got in the way. I gulped back the bile that threatened to spill and shakily stood. I winced from the pain that I still felt but tried to ignore it the best I could. I had to get through here. I had to get to Lance. I had to get to Shiro. I had to get to all of my friends. 

I eventually was able to push myself into getting to the door. I noticed that the light was actually coming from the door that was cracked open slightly. I knew that this couldn't just be an accident. There was something wrong I knew that but I so desperately wanted to get out that it didn't matter to me anymore. I inched closer and realized the clothes that were left near the door. I knew that he set this up. I don't know why he would do this but I was too out of it to care. 

I shakily took the clothes and started to put them on. It took me a lot longer that it probably should have. Once I was clothed, I walked out of the door and noticed how barren the halls were around. I didn't know what I would do. I chose a direction and just started walking. It was more like a limp than a walk but I was still moving. 

It was so quiet which was confusing. There were no windows which only scared me still not knowing where I am. I came across a door that was more elegant than anything else in the place. Considering it stood out with its gold doorknob and hinges, it wasn't covered in mold and wasn't made of steel. It was a giant oak door. It must have belonged to Lotor but it was possible that he wasn't in there and there could be a way of communication. 

I slowly opened the door and noticed the elegance of the room. It had hard wood floors and a giant desk with papers scattered around it. There were book shelves lining the walls filled with multiple books which seemed to haven't been touched in a long time. 

I stepped forward toward the desk and noticed a phone sitting on top of it. It wasn't a normal hand held phone. It was one of those old rotary phones. Thankfully I knew how to use it and since it wasn't covered in dust like most of the other things around the room, it seemed to still be in use. I quickly went over to it and put in the phone number that I remember. Pidge's. I didn't know Lance's by heart yet and that would totally be something that I need to do when I get back. 

I listened to the phone ring once...twice...three times. That was until it clicked. 


I went to open my mouth and say something but my voice got caught in my throat. I couldn't say anything. 


I took in deep breaths. I willed myself to speak. I needed to. 


"Oh my gosh, Keith!" 

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