Chapter 3: Numb

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Keith's POV

Red came out of the basement and I got so excited. I hadn't seen her in so long. I missed her so much. She was one of the only things that made me happy in the world.

Me and Pidge were laughing when Red jumped into my head and someone managed to ruin my hair even more and use it as a pillow to sleep.

She eventually jumped down and I noticed that Pidge's expression was... well not so happy.


I looked at her waiting for a response. She looked... scared. I started to get confused. We were having such a fun time. What could be wrong?

"Why.... why did you do it again...?"

My eyes widened. Oh no. She recognized them. I told her I would never do it again after what happened last time...

(Keith's third person view... yeah)

Keith sat on the bathroom tiles. He watched as the crimson red liquid dropped from the dull gray sliver of metal in his hand.

His face was wet along with the floor that was now making a puddle of red around him. He knew he would regret it but it hurt so goddamn bad.

He looked at his right wrist and saw that it was scarred with open wounds pouring out the same red liquid. His left wrist was untouched. He keep it like that to proof to people that he didn't do it as much.

Keith was unfortunate because he started seeing black spots fill his vision and everything starting to spin. He felt his touch from the metal slip. He pulled out his phone and quickly dialed Pidges number.

"Pidge.... it.... hurts. Dizzy..."

Before he knew it, he fell to the floor. The last sound he heard was Pidges screaming his name.


He later woke up in a hospital with the occasional beeping sound of the monitors and the constant chatter of patients, nurses and doctors.

He was confused as to what had happened as he look at his wrist and saw gauze and surgical tape covering his whole forearm.

The only reason he had done what he did was because Shiro had disappeared and his dad was already getting abusive then ever.

He started to feel tears down his face. Then, Pidge walked through the hospital door and he slowly looked over at her.


It came out as more of a whisper but someone Pidgeon hears it.


Pidge has tears coming out of her eyes and Keith was also crying. He slowly dragged his eyes up to his eyes and cringed in pain as the iv dig into his arm.

He didn't care though. He was too depressed at this point. He started to let out heartfelt sobs. Pidge was in the background slowly starting to walk to Keith and sit in the chair near his bed.


Keith was flat out sobbing now and almost screaming. Pidge ran over, told his hands and practically made them hug. He accepted and started to wrap his arms around her next.

He sobbed into her neck and listened to what she said.

"Keith... you need to stop doing this to yourself. This is not healthy. It hurts me and you. Shiro wouldn't accept this. I will help you get through everything and we will do everything we can to find Shiro. Promise me not to do this to yourself. Ever. Again."

Keith looked her in the eyes.

"I promise. Never again."

Pidge smiled, rubbed the tears out of his eyes and they shared a heart felting hug.

Flashback ends
(I'm sorry also first period [its supposed to say person but I love this autocorrect so...]Keith is back)

I had tears coming off my face and my hands were shaking as I recalled the moment. Pidge was in my face as if she had been trying to get my attention for a while. I jumped as she snapped her fingers in my face.

I got up and ran to the bathroom shutting and locking the door. I crashed to the floor and held my head in my hands. She wasn't supposed to find out.

She was going to be so mad for this. I promised her I wouldn't do it anymore.


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