Chapter 27: Disgusting

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Lotor's POV

~One year ago~

I finally laid my eyes upon him. He was so beautiful. I didn't think I would ever find someone like him. I can't resist. I have to get to know him. I would beat him up in order for him to submit to me. I would have my pleasures with him when I could and I even messed with his time schedules so I could have as much time with him as possible. He saw me as his superior. That was exactly what I wanted.

He shall only be mine.

I had approached Keith in the field outside of the school one day. I knew he would always try and stay later so I wouldn't get to him. He should have known that old trick wouldn't work for long. Especially against me.


I saw him stop and I could tell he was visibly shaking. It only made me smile.

"~I've been waiting all day!~

He started to try and move. Move away from me. How dare he? I grabbed the top of his arm with the strength that would leave a bruise. I smirked and pulled him closer to me as he was turned toward me. I kissed him passionately on the lips. I was dissatisfied. He didn't even kiss me back. How dare he? I pulled away with an angry look and slapped him.

I watched as his head flew to the side and his mullet hair had followed. That beautiful hair.

"~You will appreciate my affection. I mean, it isn't like you will be getting any other type of affection after all."

Keith had only simply nodded. I could tell that he was going to visibly start crying. I can't have that ruining my mood.

I grabbed him by his shoulders and slammed him against the wall of the school. I licked my lips as I threw his supplies onto the ground. I felt 'my friend' perk up just being this close to him and it only made me horny. I sniffed in his scent and let out a low moan. How could someone be this delightful?

I reached down to his pants as well as my own.

~Present Time~

Lance's POV

"~You can only imagine what happened next.~"

As I sat there listening to Lotor's story. I felt like puking my guts out. His disgusting words. About my wonderful boyfriend. I don't think I could hold it in anymore. I felt tears prick in my eyes. I let out a scream as I ran forward and pushed Lotor against the wall holding the gun to his forehead.

"I swear to god I am going to kill you."

"~Go ahead Lance. I have to warn you. I am getting turned on right now. We all know where that is going to go.~"

I closed my eyes and swallowed the vile in my throat. I stepped away from him no longer touching him. I wiped my hand on my pants and had the gun still pointed at his forehead.


That was Hunk's voice. I looked over at him for one second as I noticed how upset they all were. Pidge even looked scared of me. Why? I was doing the right thing. I was defending my partner. I looked toward the bed and noticed Keith was gone. I looked around once more looking for him. Then I spotted his limp body in Shiro's arms. I collapsed.

I couldn't deal with the pressure of this anymore.

I could practically feel Lotor's eyes glaring down at me. I felt Hunk come up behind me. He lifted me up.

"Come on Lance. The police are on their way."

That was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

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