Chapter 17: What if I told you that I love you

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Keith's POV

A I left Shiro's house, I was still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that my older brother, who I believed to be missing, is alive and well. Granted that I still hold a slight grudge against him for leaving him, I can't hold it against him forever. I walked back down the street not knowing exactly where I was going. I wasn't going to go home so I just decided to walk to Pidge's house. I swore that there were eyes staring into my back as I walked but I decided to ignore it as I figured it was nothing.

I knocked on the front door and was enveloped into a hug. I jumped at the sudden interaction but when I realized that the hug was only from my waste down, I knew it was Pidge. I chuckled and pulled away.

"Everything okay Pidgeon?"

Pidge looked as if she was pouting and punched me in the arm.

"I was worried about you! You haven't been answering my calls! I thought that maybe..."

She had stopped her sentence there and I didn't even realize the first time that she had tears welled up in her eyes threatening to spill. I could tell that she was holding them back. I frowned slightly and knelled down to her level. I placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm okay. Don't worry. I was just...talking to Shiro."

Pidge's eyes widened. She seemed to get excited.

"OH MY GOD! Keith!"

She wrapped her arms around my neck and and buried her head in the crook of it. I smiled and hugged her back. She suddenly pulled away.

"He's okay right? Nothing is really wrong with him?"

I chucked and shook my head.

"He is okay. Apparently, he is living with Matt."

"My brother Matt? That is indeed interesting. Now that I think about it, I haven't talked to him in a long time. Ever since he moved out, it has been pretty lonely considering mom and dad have been since on vacation for so long. Do I even still have a way to contact him? I could always hack into the police data base...?"

As Pidge rambled on, a thought came to my mind. I hadn't talked to Lance in a long time and it has been a while since I had heard from him. I wonder if he is okay with what had happened. I kind of want to tell him how I really felt about the time he kissed me. I heard everything that he actually said to me but I never got the chance to tell him anything.


I jumped at the sudden voice that entered my ears and looked at her in slight confusion. I can't remember when she had stopped talking. I tilted my head toward the side as if confused.

"You good?"

I nodded and looked toward the door that was still opened and chuckled.

"Shouldn't we close that?"

Pidge let out a soft growl and shut the door after getting up from her spot. She seemed to be upset with me not fully answering with her. I pulled out my phone anyway and scrolled to Lance's contact. I shot him a quick text that was a simple 'Hello'.

I waited patiently for a response but I knew, somehow, that I wasn't going to get one right away. After how long it had been since we had talked, he probably doesn't even want to associate with me. I guess that I really have no other choice.

"Pidge, do you know where Lance lives?"

"Yeah, why? What are you planning?"

"Just trust me. Take me to him."

~Time Skip~

I stood outside of Lance's door with Pidge who was hiding in some nearby bushes. I looked toward one of the bushes and saw Pidge's round glasses. I chuckled. What a great wing person. I took in a breath and knocked on the door. I waited for a few seconds before it opened widely. My eyes started to widen as I saw a large lump on his cheek. He wasn't in his usual attire as he was wearing a black sweatshirt and sweatpants. His face was all red and it looked like he had tear tracks down his face. I knew what this was. I've seen it on myself multiple times.


"What do you want?"

I jerked back slightly at the tone in his voice and looked down at my hands. I felt Pidge's eyes stare into my soul like the feeling that I had gotten earlier. I looked back up at him.

"Can we talk? Please?"

"We are. What do you want?"

"I just wanted to say..."


I widened my eyes and felt my mouth open slightly not fully ready for the outburst that was produced. I felt myself back up out of instinct. I heard the bush rustle slightly as if Pidge was ready to pounce just in case something were to happen.

"Maybe... this was a bad idea." I whispered to myself.


I felt myself start to breath heavily. Was this a mistake? Was he really not who he said he was? Was he really just faking everything? Has he just changed from the incident that had happened?


I was silenced once more but this time, his hand whipped across my face causing my head to snap to the side giving me whip lash. I felt my cheek start to sting. Pidge...I'm sorry you have to see something like this happen. Especially from the person that I love. I felt my eyes sting which confirmed my thought on the tears coming soon. I turned toward him. At this point though, I wasn't upset. I was more than angry. I turned to him and glared.

"Don't you that again. God damn it Lance. I LOVE YOU!"

I didn't realize what I had fully said until I saw the face of the person in front of me. He fully looked at me this time and his eyes were the one that widened instead of my own. I gulped waiting for another reaction like before even though I was still angry at him for doing what he did.

I jumped as his body leaned forward and his lips connected to my own. His hands went to my cheeks and held me into place. I closed my eyes and leaned further into the kiss. Finally. This is everything that I had dreamed. Something finally decided to go right in my life. I felt him pull away and I felt myself smile opening my eyes once more. I saw the expression on Lance's face and smiled at his reaction. He seemed happy. So happy that tears were flowing out of his eyes.

"Jesus christ! That was a trip to experience!"

I jumped forgetting that Pidge was behind me. Lance seemed shocked and started yelling at Pidge for being there. I started to chuckled and reached out to grab Lance's hand.

"I love you too."

I looked over at Lance as I heard him say the sentence. I saw the blush on his cheeks and I felt the blush on mine as well.

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