Chapter 4: Smoke and Mirrors

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Keith's POV

I never meant to hurt Pidge. It was my fault. I made her a promise and I broke it. Everything was my fault. I was constantly reminded of that due to my father.

I sat in the bathroom with tears all over my eyes. I felt so ashamed. I looked at my wrist and immediately I thought of cutting again. I didn't care how but I needed to get rid of my shame.

That was until I heard a knock on the bathroom door. I opened it to a crying Pidge and then I was on the floor.

"Ow! Pidge what the hell!"

She had punched me as soon as she opened the door.

"Omg! Keith I'm sorry you opened the door quicker than expected!"

I held my face as I felt blood drip down my cheek. I looked at the blood on my hands and then looked at Pidge.

Her eyes were red and she looked like she had been crying too. I knew she felt bad so I quickly wiped away the blood with my sleeve but I wasn't as slick as I thought.

"Keith.... let me clean it up for you."

I didn't say anything as she took my hand and lead me toward the kitchen. I sat on the counter with my head hung low my black mullet covering my tear filled eyes.

Pidge lifted my head so my eyes meet hers and she cleaned the blood on my cheek. I couldn't tell what was happening but I could tell that she was apologizing constantly.

"It's... okay Pidge. I promise you this, it won't happen again."

"How can I be sure Keith. You promised this last time."


I was rudely interrupted by a ringing coming from the living room. I had left my phone in there and I figured it was my father calling me.

I walked into the living room seeing that my suspicions were incorrect. The collar ID read Unknown and Pidge walked into the living as I picked up the phone. She saw the ID and frantically shook her head. I was a hardass so I obviously didn't listen to her.


"Awwww hey there keefy."

My eyes widened as I figured out that voice. The voice I never wanted to hear again. I looked at Pidge praying for help with my eyes. She seemed to understand as she covered her mouth with her hand.

"What... what do you want... how did you get my number... how.."

"Well you see... I want you back keefy. I want to play more. Don't you? I know you miss me. We had such a fun time together. I'll be arriving shortly so be prepared. Love you keefy."

Shortly after he hung up and I fell to the ground with a large thump. Pidge looked at me worried and I didn't say anything as I was shaking and pulled me knees up to my chest. I held my head in my hands and started to hyperventilate. All the memory's started to come back.

I never wanted to hear his name again and if he did come back, Lance would attack him again.



I was shoved into a locker as he was angry I couldn't come over to his house the other day. He was screaming in my face as he pressed my back against he lockers. He pushed me to ground and started to kick me screaming in my face about me being worthless and how nobody cared about me as if I didn't know already. I knew my face showed the sign of pain and then I winced.

"Hey! What the fuck do you think your doing!"


He came up behind him and threw him off of me as I stayed curled up in my little ball on the ground. He scrambled away as he stared back at me with a smile. Lance held out his hand and I took it slowly lifting myself off the ground.

"You okay Keith?"

I don't know how he knew my name but I was glad he did. Lance was my all time boy crush and I wasn't exactly the most open person in the world.

"Ummm.... fine," I mumbled

"Okay. Who was that guy anyway? I've never seen him before."

I looked at him with wide eyes. How could he not know?

"His name... is Lotor."

Flashback ends

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