Chapter 2: The Good, The Bad, and the Dirty

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Pidge's POV

I was worried about Keith. He didn't seem to be alright when he called. To be honest, he wasn't EVER happy. I've only seen him happy once and that time in life we don't relive.

Well maybe I'll tell you. Basically, Keith was gay and still is. He had a boyfriend who went by the name of... well shitbrain in my book.

He wasn't the best person in the world. Scratch that he WAS the worst person in the world. Keith was so happy until almost 3 weeks into the relationship when all of sudden...

Shithead developed an addiction to alcohol and eventually started to do coke. I told Keith about it but he didn't seem to believe me. That pissed me off . I was his best friend! Why the fuck would he not believe me...!

Anyway getting off topic...

Keith started to come to my house crying because he said things or started to leave even more bruises on his skin.

I told him to get out of it. I told him it wasn't healthy. He really loved him. I could tell. I felt so bad for him.

Keith knew he had to end it and the day he approached him...

Oh god. Keith called me and was bawling his eyes out. He had raped him to convince him to stay and he was begging me to stop it from hurting. I have never seen him this vulnerable.

I helped Keith get through it even though it took 3 months, the shitbrain had been sent to jail and we were back.

I meet Keith in elementary when he was being bullied by kids because of his shorter than now mullet. I found it awesome and decided to ask him about while saving him from the bullies.

He was shy around me at first but he eventually came around. Me and Keith grew closer from that day.

I was currently in my room when I was interrupted from these thoughts due to the ringing doorbell.

I ran downstairs while screaming "I GOT IT!"

I opened the door to find a crying mullet with his arms crossed with his hood over his head.


I lead him into the house and he sat on the familiar couch that wasn't as comfortable as you would think.

Keith didn't mind though.

Keith brought his knees to his face and buried his head into his knees. You could hear his soft sniffles and hiccups. I felt horrible. I sat next to him and started to rub his back.

"Keith what happened this time? Tell me..."

Keith didn't seem to move but inch closer to me as I started to pet the top of his head.

"Lance.... bullies.... football... crackers.... dad...."

I kinda figured it out and that's why I'm such a good friend.

"Lance was with the football player bully shitbags again and you were eating crackers escaping your dad?"

Keith slowly nodded. I knew I was right. I was his best friend after all.

I held him closer giving him a hug and trying to change the subject. I showed him how good his cat was doing.

Red was Keith's cat that I was taking care of for him because he didn't want his dad to hurt him like everyone else. Keith's face lite up into a happier expression when I let red out of the basement.

She immediately jumped on Keith and a smile came to both of our faces. For once in our lives, we forgot the bad stuff for a moment.

That is, until I realized Keith's wrists.

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