Chapter 8: Pain

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Lance's POV

I was walking to Keith's house after he sent me the address. To be honest, i was so excited but nervous. I was meeting my life long crush. This can't be happening. It's a dream. It has to be. I pinch myself to be sure and i regretted it because it hurt. I was a weakling okay! I had spaghetti arms! I don't even know how i got into football. I definitely didn't deserve to be in it.

I was jumbling my phones back and forth in my hands out of nervousness.  It was killing me inside because i couldn't just quit out on Keith. Ugh! Okay Lance, calm down it will all be okay. You'll bring it up a different time. Right now, we were actually going to do work. Social Studies. We had to do a project on Alexander Hamilton. I knew all about him. They made him into my favorite musical, Hamilton.

I was at Keith's house before I knew it and I didn't see Keith. This was weird. I don't know what happened. He was supposed to meet me here. Now that I think about it, he wasn't in school today which was a little strange. I stood on the street curb and pulled out my phone texting Keith if we were still on for meeting up today.

I didn't get a text back for 5 minutes. Until I got the message that scared me to death.

'Help Me'

This freaked me out but I didn't know where he was. He could still be at school or he could be somewhere else standing me up as predicted. But why would he send help me if he wasn't in danger. I texted him asking him where he was. I didn't get a reply so i just decided to buff up and knock on his door. He told me it wasn't the best place because it was being constructed on or something.  Knock Knock, anyone home?

I didn't hear noise for a second.

Then a scream erupted from the house. I didn't hesitate because I knew it was Keith. I've heard that scream more than once. I stopped in my tracks as I saw a pile of blood on the carpet near the door. There were many questions going on in my head. Where was Keith? What happened to him? Where did this blood come from? Who did it to him and why!!!???

My brain was swimming with questions that I needed answers too. I hesitantly started to walk in the kitchen and the living room. Nothing was around.

"Hello? Anybody home?"


This startled me. I didn't even think. I ran toward the scream and I came to a door that was located upstairs right near a bathroom. I didn't knock as I burst through the door. I really wanted to save Keith. But...

I really wish I didn't see what I saw.

Keith was sitting in a chair as an older man stood with a whip in his hand. Keith was tied with rope that seemed to be heavy weighted. He had tear tracks running down his face and his bare chest was open with whip lash's and you could tell how much pain he was in. The older man seemed to show no remorse towards him and that was probably the most terrifying part.

I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands as I suddenly noticed the room. The walls were covered with all kinds of varies torture devices. Handcuffs, whips, razors and tasers. It was my worst nightmare and not just because it was my boyfriend... I MEAN CRUSH!

I ran at the guy at I shoved him into the corner and started yelling.


The guy looked at me shocked for a moment and then started to smile. Why would he...?

"You know what.... I'll show I'm remorse today since you were so well today. I'll let you go and your boyfriend can take you the hospital or wherever."

He spit his words with so much venom it was intimidating. What did he mean that Keith was so well? Had this happened more than once? To Keith's reaction, he was disgusted by the words and he was whimpering as the guy pulled a knife off the wall and walked toward Keith. I was hesitant to walk toward Keith but then I remembered something. He was just going to cut the ropes to let him go.

He walked toward Keith, aimed the knife and...
he didn't cut the ropes. Instead.... he cut Keith.

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