Chapter 7: Cell Block Tango

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Keith's POV

I loved Pidge so much. Not in a romantic way. She was my best friend and she helped me with everything with my dad and sorry life. I woke up with Matt's clothes on because I didn't go home.

It has been 2 days. Since the incident and it was now Monday meaning I had to go back to school. Me and Pidge went on the bus together.

I attempted to avoid everyone's gazes as they stared at me since I was always known as the "emo one". Pidge talked to me about the dumb stuff Matt has done in the past and that conversation continued until we walked into the school.

Classes were as usual. I always sat in the back of the classes because I was socially awkward but it was weird because everyone seemed to leave me alone today. By everyone I pretty much mean, the football players.

They all seemed to be out. They were probably sick or they were probably skipping doing jock stuff. Probably the second option. The only football players I saw were Lance and Oliver. They didn't bother too much, so I was okay with it.

It was finally 8th period when the weirdest thing happened. Lance started following behind me and to be honest, I tried to ignore the fact as I was one of the last ones in the hallways all the time after school.

"Keith wait up!"

I froze in my position mostly because I didn't expect anyone to say that to me. Usually Pidge says something along the lines of "Hello Mutherfucker!" but Pidge had a science thing going on after school.

I slowly turned around to find Lance jogging up behind me. I got scared for a second but then remembered he was the one that helped me that one time so he wasn't a bad one. I looked at him and watched him run to a stop in front of me.

"Man you are hard to find! I was wondering if you wanted to be partners for the social studies project? We are in the same class and I noticed you didn't have a partner."

I didn't even notice he was in my social studies class. I looked at in and I knew he was waiting for an answer so I gave him one.

"Why the fuck not."

As I said that I was surprised at myself. I shrugged my shoulders and acted casual in reality. In my head, I was screaming! What did I just do! Was I insane! I just dug my own grave!

"Oh great! Okay I'll meet up at your house then. I'll just need your phone number. I'll come over on Wednesday because my family is huge and we never get privacy in my house."

That's when I started to panic. One because he asked for my phone number and two because he wanted to go to my house. I couldn't let him in my house! Especially because of Dad. I couldn't do that. I would figure something out. Okay think...

"Ummmm.... how about we just meet at a coffee shop or something my house isn't in the best shape. It's under reservation for a while. Just meet me outside of the house. Here's my number."

I handed him a piece of paper with my number screaming as usually in head with a bunch of different ways this could go wrong. But I had a small crush on Lance I must admit. It's nothing that could ever actually happen so I didn't really see the point.

"Okay! I'll meet you then! Bye Keith!"

He left and traveled down the stairs to get on his bus I'm guessing. I was blushing. I could tell. I traveled down and out of the school waking to Pidges house and waiting for her there.

When she eventually walked through the door I was sitting on the couch in a ball thinking of my life choices and what I had done.

"Keith? What's wrong?"

I thought back to the situation and blushed more hiding my face amongst my hair and looking up at her.

"I gave my number to Lance and we are partners in social studies and he is meeting me at a coffee shop but we are meeting up outside my house and then walking there so... yeah."

I was out of breath because I spoke so fast. I was panting when I looked up at Pidge. She stood there shocked for a minute and then I saw 15 different emotions flash across her face. She ran at me and did a bear hug to the point I couldn't breath. And later slapped me.

"Okay let me start off by saying I'm so proud of you for talking to someone else and your crush but WHY WOULD YOU LET HIM EVEN REMOTELY NEAR YOUR HOUSE! YOUR DAD ALREADY HATES THE FACT THAT YOUR GAY AND HE HATES YOU IN GENERAL! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO GET THROUGH THIS!"

She was fuming and I knew when Pidge was angry with anyone it was a problem. So I called her down the only way I knew how.

"Pidge calm down. Okay one he is not going inside my house he is meeting me outside it and two you don't have to rub salt into the wound. I know my dad hates me. Speaking of I'm surprised he hasn't..."

I was cut off by my phone ringing. After my thought I didn't think it would happen but then again... it was Lance. I answered.


"Keith! I'm confirming the project and stuff because I will be meeting you outside your house. I need your address. I also have to be home by 8:30 so we have time."

"Mmmm yeah I'll send you my address. Wednesday after school."

"Okay! See you then bye!"

"See ya."

I hung up and Pidge got excited again. Time to wait until Wednesday.

—————Time Skip to Wednesday after school————————————————————————

It was time for me to meet lance. I was scared. One because I would be meeting my crush and most of my school supplies that will need is still at home. With dad.

I was shaking and by shaking I mean I was literally shaking. I slowly walked home and I knew I would have to wait for Lance.

I didn't even know it before I was in front of my house. I gulped and let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. I walked up to the door that was peeling of paint that dad was too busy to replace.

I walked through the door hearing it squeak open. I cringed slightly and looked slightly through the hallway because it was a straight view to dads favorite chair and sure enough. He was passed out drunk on it. With a bottle of beer in his hand. I got let off nicely.

I silently and quickly picked up my school stuff while going upstairs and grabbing a small knife that I had just in case anything happened. I sipped it into my back pack. And walked back downstairs. As I finished walking down the stairs, and I took a quick glance toward the living room.

He wasn't there.

I was very hesitant at this point as I quickly and quietly went to the door. Then it came. A blunt force knocked me and my backpack to the ground. It hit my head but I wasn't enough to knock me out. Although I wish I did. Dad had a broken bottle in his hand.

From what I could tell that is. My vision was still recovering as I still had black spots in my eyes. I was turned around and continuously hit with the bottle in my stomach and toward my arms. My arms were greatly affected because I was trying to curl up. It wasn't until he actually stabbed with the bottle that I actually screamed .

I passed out at that time. The only think I could think about... was Lance. I'm sorry

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