Chapter 15: Come Together

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Happy Holidays my lovelies! I hope you have an amazing holiday and enjoy this chapter I have written. Let me know if there is anything else you want clarified or taken care of! I'm open to recommendations and constructive criticism. Love you all so much! Feel free to contact me. Have a good day!

Keith's POV

I stood in complete shock as I stared at my older brothers face. He aged and looked completely different but I could definitely tell that it was him. There was to doubt. The same scar was across the bridge of his nose. It was still there. He didn't even try to hide it. He was much older than I was but I loved him every since I was little. Considering that he left before Mom died. I still remember him being there.

"Do I know you...?"

His voice jinxed me out of my thoughts. I shook my head and looked back up at him. He had a white part in his shirt black hair that stood out to anyone that would look at him.

"You don't remember....?"

"I'm sorry I really don't. Is there something you need?"

"Shiro.... it's.... it's Keith."

His eyes slowly widened as his brain started to process what I had said. I think that I was probably the last thing he was expecting today.

The next thing I knew, I was enveloped in a hug and warmth surrounded me. I knew what was happening. It felt so foreign to me. It was good to have him back.

I leaned more into him and let my tears loose crying into his shoulder.

"I missed you so much Shiro. Why did you have to leave."

I pulled away from him and wiped my face. The expression on his face was soft and sincere as if he knew that he did something wrong all along. All I'm saying is he better have a good excuse for what he did leaving me with dad.

"Come on. Why don't we go inside and get you settled. I promise you Keith, I will explain everything."

I slowly nodded and walked into the house slowly hearing the click of the door shut behind me.

~Time Skip~

I was sitting on the couch that was in their living room. He told me that Matt did live with him or... he lived with Matt but, Matt was currently out getting groceries. I had a blanket around my shoulder and a warm mug of hot chocolate in my hands. I've always liked hot chocolate. Something about it just warms the soul.

"Do you want to tell me where you went? You left when I needed you. Did you even hear about what happened?"

I looked over at Shiro who was sitting opposite of me in a chair against the wall. He seemed to have a lot of thoughts running through his head. Just like me. He looked up at me and sighed.

"I know you have a lot of questions. Just let me tell you what happened. From my perspective."

Shiro's POV/ Flashback

"The day before I went off to the Garrison and you were at school, me and Dad got into an argument. Because of the way that he had been treating you...."

Flashback begins...

"What is wrong with you! Can't you see how much of an idiotic disgrace he is! He is the one that killed his mother!"

"Now you know that's not true! I know you killed her! I believe Keith! There is no way that Keith would kill our mother! He adores her and she adored him!"

"She hated him! Found him a disgrace!"

I clenched my fist as I heard the way that he was talking about my brother. About mother. I wanted to punch him into the floorboards.

"Don't you dare talk about her like that! I don't know what came over you but you..... your disgraceful. I'm just glad that I'm leaving."

"I will not allow you to leave this house! Why would I want to live with a disgrace like him forever?! At least your tolerable!"

"I can't stand you! What your doing! I have to leave. For the good of me and for Keith."

I stormed away and up the stairs into my room hearing him stomp around and mumble under his breath incoherent curses. I ignored them and grabbed my bag that was already packed in my room getting ready to leave. I told myself I wouldn't leave until Keith got back from school but I had to leave now.

I went down the stairs and glanced at the living room seeing him passed out on the couch already. I rolled my eyes and didn't even bother with anything else as I opened the door and left toward the Garrison headquarters never looking back

Flashback ends....

Keith's POV

I sat there with the mug still in my hand. I couldn't blame him for leaving because of my dad. He had a future that he planned out all on his own. He was making a life for himself.

"You left me there with him..."

Shiro nodded and frowned looking down at the ground. I was making him feel guilty at this point. It wasn't my intention but I needed to get my point across.

"I know Keith and I'm sorry but I couldn't take you with me. I really wanted to. I have regretted it since I left."

"But you don't even know do you? You don't know what has happened since then. You don't know what has happened to me at all!"

Once I started yelling at him, I saw him visibly flinch. At the moment I didn't care.

"I needed you! I needed my big brother! You were supposed to protect me! You were supposed to.... you were.... you were supposed to stay..."

I hid my face from him and I could tell that I have gone too far. Tears flew out of my eyes and I couldn't stop them.

"I'm sorry..."

"It's okay Keith. I would be angry with me too." 

I heard Shiro get up from his chair and sit next to me enveloping me in another hug. I leaned into him and the next thing I knew... my eyes grew heavy.

"I forgive you Shiro..."

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