Chapter 30: The End

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10 years later...

Lance's POV

"Dad! Victoria wouldn't give me back my robot!"

I smiled as I leaned down and stroked my daughters head. I loved her to death. I loved all my kids to death. Mika was just a little special to me.

"Then the best thing to do would steal her toy right?"

She smiled as she nodded.

"Thanks Dad!"

I chuckled as she trotted off to go take Victoria's toy horse. Victoria fell in love with that horse ever since Keith had bought it for her. I heard her rummaging around as the two girls started fighting quietly with one another. Keith was starting to come down the stairs still staring upstairs wondering about the noise.

"Lance, you got them fighting again didn't you?"

"Of course not!"

Keith glared at his husband before I slowly gave under the pressure.

"Alright I might have. I thought it would be funny."


I smiled nervously as I started to go upstairs to resolve the issue. Victoria was yelling at Mika. Mika was yelling at Victoria. I really did it this time.

"Girls! You are going to wake up Jamie!"

"But she stole my robot/horse!" They both spoke at the same time. Mika, being the emotional one, was crying. Victoria just looked angry.

"Give each other back your toys. Please."

Keith came upstairs after that. He groaned as he heard Jamie start to cry. Victoria and Mika had given each other their toys back as Victoria went back into her room with an angry glare toward Mika. Mika seemed as if her heart broke. I frowned as I had started this. I really need to be better to my kids.

As Keith took care of Jamie in the other room, I went to Victoria's room. I knocked on the door before entering.


The girl didn't look up as she still held the horse in her hand. She seemed to still be angry but she was Keith's little girl. She was always hiding her emotions. Her room was decorated in horse's and she rather enjoyed the color purple as indicated by her walls. Her bed had purple sheets on them and her favorite squishy was in the corner. She was a rather tidy person so there wasn't much mess. I frowned as I sat down next to her on the bed.

"Honey? What's the matter?"

"Nothing. Everything is good now."

She turned to me with a smile on her face. It was so obviously faked. I frowned as I put a piece of her hair back behind her ear.

"You can talk to me sweetheart."

Her smile immediately turned sour as it turned into a frown. She seemed to throw herself into my arms which shocked me. She started bawling her eyes out. I hugged her back as I started to shush her.

"Hey. Sweetheart, it's alright. It's okay."

"I'm..I'm sorry. I made Mika upset and I-I yelled bad things to her. Pops is going to be mad and I know you are going to be mad at me."

"Nobody is mad at you. It's okay. Look at me."

I lifted her head as she sniffled and tried to wipe some of her tears away. I smiled at her as I also wiped some of her tears away with my thumb. I placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Everyone says things that they don't mean sometimes and there are bad things that happen that we might just remember. Me and pops went through that too."

"You did?"

"We did. I remember when he came to my doorstep and I started yelling at him. He started yelling at me too. In the end, it turned out to be the one thing that got us together. If that didn't happen, then you guys wouldn't be with us right now."


"Yeah. Really."

Victoria smiled as she wiped her face one last time.

"I'm gonna go apologize to her now. I NEED to apologize to her. Thank you daddy."

"Of course."

She got up and ran out of her room knocking on Mika's door before letting herself in. Everyone in the family did that to respect our private. I didn't hear Jamie crying anymore as I assumed Keith had gotten him to calm down.

I passed by Mika's room on my way out to see them both hugging each other. I smiled at the two girls as I saw Keith coming out of the room slowly and quietly shutting the door. He put a finger to his lips signaling that Jamie was now finally asleep.

Me and Keith went downstairs as we both collapsed onto the couch. I let out a sigh as I cuddled up next to Keith. He laid his head on top of my own as I shut my eyes.

"Today was interesting."

"It was amazing."

Keith kissed the top of my head as I smiled.

"They made up. Victoria is growing up more than I thought."

"That's my girl."

I chuckled lightly as I leaned in closer. Me and Keith had been married for only a year and we had adopted three wonderful kids. Victoria the oldest, Mika the middle child, and Jamie the baby. I was so pleased to have them in my life and having Keith in my life has been a miracle. After everything that has happened, we pulled through and we lived our best lives. All of our friends have been so supportive and I couldn't have asked for a better future.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I ended up falling asleep in Keith's arms waiting for the next day to arrive.

Authors Note: It's the end! I know I could have stretched this out a lot more but I feel like it was time for their story to come to a close. I hope you all enjoyed the story! Love you all!

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