Chapter 25: Dead to Me

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Lance's POV

I would do anything for my boyfriend. I knew each other for a short time than most people have known each other and we might have jumped a little at the start when it came to dating but our feelings were real. I know that for certain. I wasn't going to be afraid to anything for him. 

As me and the rest of my team were prepared to storm into the abandoned building, I twirled the gun around in my hand. Matt was sure to inform us of the two that were supposedly guarding Keith and we knew that Hunk and Shiro would be best for stealth mode than anyone else's weapons. 

Hunk, to say the least, was very nervous. He was having trouble with having the strength to even sneak behind the guys. Shiro had no problem with beating a bitch up and since he had two machetes, he said that he would take Hunks place. Then, it was suddenly as if Hunk had a true idea of what was happening. He stood up straight and confidently walked up behind the two guards. They seemed to be holding not only rifles but pistols that were attached to a side holster. 

Hunk raised the baseball bat and slammed it into the back of the heads of the two guards. Before the clatter of the guns could hit the floor, Hunk grabbed both in his own hand and held them close to his chest. Hunk turned around and chuckled holding up the guns. He gently set them against the wall and I couldn't help but be shocked. This was Hunk we were talking about. One of the sweetest people in the entire world. 

Everyone else was in shock. It was readable on their faces. Everyone gathered around Hunk and gave him a high five. It wasn't loud enough so it wouldn't echo off the walls but it was satisfactory. 

We traveled down the hallways where the guards were and Matt had told us through the comms that Keith was behind the door at the very end. It was supposedly a dead end and lead to the door. There was other doors down the hall but the one that had my boyfriend behind it was obviously more important than anything else. 

I didn't really see how long the hallway was. It seemed like it went on for miles. However, a certain noise made me stop. It wasn't a scream and I could tell that it wasn't Keith which only scared me more. The sound was only banging and grunting. An immediate thought went through my head. I knew those sounds anywhere. It has happened in my own room. The sounds of sex. 

Everyone has stayed behind me and I couldn't tell if they were thinking the same thing that I was. Pidge was the only one that seemed to know what I was thinking. She had placed a hand on my shoulder and I didn't even realize that my eyes were wide open. We were only a few strides away from the door. 

"Lance. Are you...?" 

I could feel the smoke coming out of my ears as I started to fume. I couldn't allow this to happen. I pushed Pidge off of me and stormed toward the door. I could hear the light pattering foot steps of my other friends behind me and I knew they were trying to be stealthy, as that was bet for the mission, but my mind abandoned all that. I need to get to Keith. Now. 

I swung the door open and barley looked at the picture that was in front of me before taking the gun that was in my hands, aiming it at the guard that was there, and shooting him point blank in the forehead. He fell to the ground with a clatter as I finally took in the picture. 

There was a bed that was in the corner and the headboard, from what I could guess, was what was banging on the wall. Lotor was on top of Keith in the bed. The only fact was Keith was unconscious. 

"~Can't anyone get some privacy in here?~" 

Lotor had pulled himself up and pulled his boxers up along with his pants. He didn't bother to fix Keith as his boxers and pants were also down. Lotor was obviously having a fun time and it just made me want to shoot him right then and there. I couldn't risk it with Keith being there though. 

I held up the gun and glared at him making sure it was pointed right between his eyes. If he even tries anything, he was dead. 

"What the hell do you think you are doing to my boyfriend?" 

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