Chapter 28: I love You

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Lance's POV

I woke up to the sound of machines and the smell of medicine. I recognized it as a hospital room which was rather confusing. The last thing I remember was Lotors face. That disgusting face. I shook slightly as my eyes opened fully. I looked around noticing nobody in the room and it looked to be dark out. I assumed it was the middle of the night. As I didn't feel any pain, I didn't feel like it was necessary to call in any nurses. I don't need them to waste their time on me.

That's when I stopped. If I was here, where was Keith? The whole reason I went to that place was to get Keith. And the weapons? Did everyone get out? Where was Lotor? Were we in trouble? Would we be arrested for doing something right? I felt myself starting to freak out and that was the point where I knew I needed to call the nurses in. I needed answers.

I reached over and tried to find the button. As I finally had sight of it, I clicked it. I clicked it multiple times. I wanted answers as soon as possible. That was when a petite brunette walked in the room. She went to my bedside and gently took a hold of my hand.

"Mr. Mclaine? I'm Dr. Jones. You are safe now."

"I- I need to know where Keith is. What happened?"

"If you'd like, I can explain it to you."

I nodded as I watched her pull up a chair sitting down next to me. She took the clipboard that was at the foot of my bed and started to read the information that was written on it.

"The person that was found in the room, Keith Kogane, was unconscious and was seen to be physically and sexually abused. We questioned the amount of people that were with both you and Mr. Kogane, they all testified to the fact that Lotor was the abuser in this case. He is currently in police possession. Mr. Kogane is in another room being treated for his injuries. I have to inform you that although he will be fine physically, it will be hard for him to be well mentally. It is hard for someone to go through something like that. I'm sure you will understand. Mr. Kogane is awake and aware of what is going on."

As I heard the news that was given to me, I didn't know how to feel. I was grateful for her telling me. I took in a breath.

"Thank you. Can you, um, can you tell me what room Keith is in? I want to visit him."

"Well, as it is almost 1 in the morning, I will show you to his room when it is visiting hours. Would you like me to do that for you?"

"Yeah. I would really like that. Thank you."
"Of course Honey. I'll be back in the morning when you wake up and have breakfast."

I nodded as she patted my bed side and walked out of the room. The lights went out and I decided that the best thing for me to do would be going to sleep. I knew that I was going to see Keith in the morning and that was the only thing that was keeping me sane.

Keith's POV

It was dark. And it was cold. And I was scared. I didn't know where I was. My eyes wouldn't open but I could hear everything around me. The beeping. The small chattering. I could even feel a warmth that was on my hand. I couldn't tell what it was but it was soft and It made me feel safe. It made me feel happy. That's when it started to feel wet.



"Sweetheart, I need...I need you. Don't lose this battle because of that bastard. He doesn't deserve to win. Don't give up. We all love you. We all miss you. Please Keith. I need your hugs. I need your beautiful smile back in my life. I need that mullet in my life."

I heard the chuckling that came out of his mouth but it sounded sad. Was he crying? Is that the wetness that I felt earlier? That has to be it right? I struggled to open my eyes. I needed to open my eyes. I don't care how I feel. I needed to do it. For Lance. For myself.

Light flooded my senses causing me to shut my eyes tightly. I blinked a few times before my eyes focused on the white popcorn wall above my head. I tilted my head toward my left where I felt the warmth grip tighter on my hand. It was Lance. I smiled as I felt tears well up in my eyes. I squeezed his hand back as tight as I could, causing his eyes to open which were closed before. I watched as he lifted his head and looked up at me noticing that I was awake. His eyes widened as he smiled and threw his arms around my neck.


I slowly brought my hands up to hug him back but winced slightly at the pain that I felt. He pulled back and placed his hands on my cheeks. He leaned in and placed his lips against my own. I replied with the same action. He tasted like apple juice and peach. Maybe even some cherry but nonetheless, I missed that feeling so much. As he pulled away, I opened my mouth for the first time since my wake.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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