Chapter 14: Home

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Keith's POV

2 weeks had passed since the incident that occurred between me and Lance. I had left the hospital and didn't really speak after it happened and Lance left when I couldn't say anything most likely out of embarrassment. He wasn't the only one. I didn't exactly know what to think anyway.

I was currently sitting on my bed still slightly recovering from what happened. I looked down at my hand and sighed seeming the bandage that sat on top of his finger. I tried to ignore it the best that I could. It was difficult since your hands practically sit right in front of your vision line and you do everything with your hands unless you are an amputee. I feel like a disgrace. To everyone. I already knew that my dad found me a disgrace but now I think even Pidge doesn't like me.

She hasn't been answering any of my texts and my calls. I don't know if I should be worried about her or me at this point. I just felt so low. I tried to even call Lance and text him but he wasn't answering me either. I wouldn't want to be talking to me either if I was him anyway. He is probably thinking that he made the biggest mistake in his life even bothering with me. It sickens me.

I was knocked out of my thoughts as a loud bang came from downstairs. I jumped and got as far away from the door as humanly possible. I clutched my phone in my hands as tightly as possible ready to call the first person I could. I listened quietly just in case any other noise was made downstairs. Nothing came. It must have just been dad coming home drunk and passing out on the couch.

I let out a small breath and reached under the bed grabbing a duffel bag that was pretty beat up but it was the only thing I had so it wasn't like I had a choice. I slowly made my way over to my dresser picking up small amounts of clothes from the drawers that it had attached to it. I shoved them in the bag with no care and grabbed the small amount of toiletries that I had left.

I finally zipped up the bag and slung it over my shoulder grabbing my beanie from the bed and putting my phone in my pocket. I threw my beanie over my head and just started to slowly sneak down the steps just in case he really wasn't asleep. No sounds were heard from downstairs which was sure a good sign as he would always watch TV whenever he came home. My foot hit the bottom step and I let out a small sound of relief. Still nothing.

Sure enough, it wouldn't have been so easy as I was flung from my stop and onto the wall. A hand was clasped around my throat tightly making it rather hard for me to breath. I stared into the face of the drunk dad in front of me with his eyes not even staring directly into mine. He was stumbling but it gave him enough strength to push me farther up the wall.

"Where..... where the hell do you think you are going...?"

I was struggling to breath so much to the point where I could barley let out squeak. He slammed my head against the wall making my eyes shut tightly and my head become disoriented. I now couldn't even see straight if I wanted too. Pun intended.

"I never even wanted you. My disgrace of a son. I'm so glad I murdered your mother. She never would have told you what she really thought of you. She hated you. Begged me to kill her. She was so happy when she took her last breath. She would finally be away from you."

At that point, tears flew down my face at rapid speed. I knew I shouldn't believe the words but it was so hard not too especially when it was said right in front of you by your dad. I was suddenly able to breath again and heard footsteps go down the hall, hearing the spring of the couch and the loud sigh as he passed out on the couch. I knew for sure this time. I kept a hold on my neck as it was stinging even worse than I had ever had before.

I looked up with my blurry vision and just quickly ran out of the house with no care about leaving anything behind. I stumbled down the stairs of the porch and just ran. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care who saw me. All I knew was the fact that I was going to get away from him.

I ended up slowing down around a random house but for a reason that I couldn't remember, I knocked on the door and saw the person that I never thought that I would see again. The best thing I could come up with in my head was that Pidge was there. I distinctly remember her saying that her brother Matt lived here or something. I didn't want to bother Pidge or Lance with the crap that they had already helped me with and it wasn't like I had many friends so this was the next best thing. I waited for the door to open as I was shaking. I froze in my stop and almost forgot how to breath.


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