Chapter 18: The Schuyler Sisters

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Lance's POV

"No Keith! I am not letting you go back to that destructive home! I can't let you get hurt again.  I love you too much!"

I was in my room as was Keith. Pidge had given us some space and left to go to her own house. Keith sat on my bed and hung his head.

"Lance...I have no choice. I have to deal with him myself."

"We will deal with him together! We can always do this the right way and just call the police!"

I kneeled down to his level and placed one hand on his cheek.

"Look at me."

I noticed Keith move his head so his eyes were connected with mine. I smiled brought my lips onto his giving him a soft kiss.

"I love you and I want you to be safe. Can you let me deal with this? Please."

Keith closed his eyes and laid his head down on my shoulder.

"I just don't want you to get hurt like I did. I don't like people knowing about my problems because they shouldn't have to deal with things I should have deal with months ago."

I pulled him into a hug which he seemed to accept as he hugged me back.

"Before we do anything, why don't we cheer you up?"

Keith looked at me as if confused. I guess it was something he didn't expect. I got up and walked over to the other side of my room.

"Now I know that you are a big emo and you like the rock and alternative music but I am a theater nerd when it comes to music and they are... well mostly happy and upbeat so it will lighten the mood!"

I pulled out a cd that was used way too much and smirked. I looked back at my beautiful boyfriend as he looked slightly disgusted with my taste. I chuckled and put the cd in my cd player. I scrolled through the different tracks that were on the cd and decided to choose one of my favorite ones. I didn't have to scroll that far as I went to number 5.

I turned to face him and got ready to put on a concert for him.

"There's nothing rich folks love more
Than going downtown and slummin' it with the poor.
They pull up in their carriages and gawk
At the students in the common
Just to watch them talk.
Take Philip Schuyler: the man is loaded.
Uh-oh, but little does he know that
His daughters, Peggy, Angelica, Eliza
Sneak into the city just to watch all the guys at—
Work, work!
Work, work!
And Peggy!
The Schuyler sisters!"

I chuckled as I noticed Keith's rather confused expression. I went over to him and grabbed his hands pulling him off the bed. I noticed his eyes widen slightly. I spun him around in my arms.

"Just enjoy the music!"

"Angelica! Peggy! Eliza! Work!
Daddy said to be home by sundown.
Daddy doesn't need to know.
Daddy said not to go downtown.
Like I said, you're free to go.
But–look around, look around, the
Revolution's happening in New York. New York!
Angelica! Work!
It's bad enough daddy wants to go to war.
People shouting in the square.
It's bad enough there'll be violence on our shore.
New ideas in the air.
Look around, look around—
Angelica, remind me what we're looking for...
She's lookin' for me!"

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