Chapter 6: I need your love

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Sorry it's been so long peeps. I'll be updating all of !y stories and I'm going to be creating a new one because I like to multi task. 😊Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and be sure to check out my other stories of your like. Bye bitches!

Flashback continues....

Lances POV

After my boyfriend, well future I guess you could say hopefully, decided to pass out in my arms, I had froze a few minutes. Did this actually happen? I had to find out for sure and what sure fire way to find out your dreaming then to smack yourself. It was real.

I now probably had a giant red slap Mark on my cheek. I carried Keith to the nurses office and since no one was something there, I just let myself in. I swear they never lock these doors. I say Keith on one of the beds in the room and found a cloth. I went it under the water and out it on his forehead.

I didn't know if this would work but I had seen it done in movies. I proceeded to look for bandages and gauze to fix up Keith's cuts. Some of them looked old. I didn't want to ask him about it because I wasn't going to be too nosy. I felt really bad for him. I had texted my mom to tell her that I will be staying after school for some extra football training. Now, I was training to be a medic. Wo!

Flashback ends....

That's was really the only time me and Keith had a real interaction. I wish we could hang out more. I really wanted this football scholarship but I really wanted to talk to him more. For I loved him so much. I couldn't ruin my reputation though. Did I mention I was in a relationship with Allura?

She was my girlfriend and to be honest, I never liked her from the start but due to the running history of the football kicks going out with the hot cheerleaders , I once again couldn't afford to ruin that reputation. Allure was a good person don't get me wrong but whenever she missed me, it just didn't work for me. I never felt that zing.

After I was done with my thoughts, I realized I approached Hunks house. I never realized how fast it was for me to get here. I knocked on the door waiting for my best friend to answer the door.

"Hey Lance!"

"Hey Hunk." I replied with a smile.

He gave me the symbol to get in the house so I went towards the kitchen, which was the closest room to the door, and sat down at the table. I kinda gave off that slumped look. Hunk came in and sat down next to me.

"Alright, what are you sad about now? What happened to Keith?"

"Oh just because I'm sad means it's because of Keith?"

Well he wasn't wrong. I'm never usually sad unless something was with Keith.

"Uh yeah."

"Ugh. Okay. I was on the field with the other douchebags, (I never liked the other players either), and they started to beat Keith up at a park bench. It pissed me off! I looked toward me for help Hunk! I didn't do anything!"

At this I slammed my head on the table and kept it down. Hunk seemed sympathetic and he knew how I felt about Keith. He was the only person I told, the only person I could trust.

"Okay. Lance. Remember the thing with Lotor?"

I nodded while my head is still resting on the table.

"Keith usually stays after school while everyone else leaves so did what you did there but go up to him to talk to him."

I threw my head up looking around. Hunk gave me a good idea.

"OMG HUNK YOUR RIGHT!" As I said this I sat up from the chair and threw on my jacket that I had thrown off when I walked through the door.

"I'll talk to him tomorrow after school. I'll let you know how it goes from there!"

I ran out the door. This happened pretty much every time I went over to Hunks house for advise. Hunk would be my therapists, giving me ideas all of the time, and I would run out of the door to execute them. They always worked out for me thus far so it's not best to not judge Hunks judgement. The fact of the matter is, I'm going to talk to Keith tomorrow.

Pidge's POV

Keith was on the ground having a panic attack with himself curled up into a ball near the couch. Due to Keith's reaction to the caller, I assume it was Lotor.

I hated that guy so much for what he did to Keith. I was there helping him through he whole thing and it was horrible seeming him go through that everyday until the breakup. That was even hard on Keith.

I went down on the floor next to him knowing what to do in this kind of situation. I have witnessed many in my lifetime. They weren't just from Keith either.

"Keith. Okay I need you to listen to me. Listen to my breathing. Count with me and breath in and out okay. 1.... in..... 2..... out....."

Keith started to slowly follow my rhythm and I took a while but I helped him through it. Once Keith calmed down to a certain point and started to unravel from his ball, I asked if I could touch him.

He answered with a simple nod. I wrapped my arms around him and embraced him into a hug. I knew he needed one. Keith might seem like the most emo guy around but he loves hugs , especially from me.

He embraced me back and I felt his shaking clam down. His breathing was also back to his normal rate. It went to normal to the point where he feel asleep. I picked him up and laid him down on my couch. My parents were currently away on a trip to Rome.

I'll just let him borrow some of Matt's clothes since he was in college, and he can stay the night. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

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