Chapter 23

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Maya's POV

This is why we can't really go away for the holidays. This is one of the disadvantages of having a restaurant. You can't leave someone else in charge because they always fuck it up when you are not around.

So here I am the day before Christmas , doing damage control.

Every delivery order was wrong, I didn't have enough waiters for today and the time between orders and plating was way too slow.

I think they missed my yelling the last couple of weeks..... so that's what they got. I went all out.

Today was supposed to be a great day from start to finish. Tomorrow is the day Stephanie and I will find out the sex of our babies. I can't stop thinking about it and I could barely sleep last night. I am so excited but really overwhelmed at the same time.

This is a big fucking deal for us.

We have two beautiful babies on the way and we are about to celebrate one of the biggest milestones but now I have to sort out this shit first.

I get up from my desk where I have been for the last two hours trying to get another order in for my vegetables. Luckily my supplier was in a festive mood so it went smoothly.

I walk out my office and down the hall towards the kitchen. It's almost lunch hour and I need to see where the delay is on the plating.

I have a feeling it's my two new chefs in training. Two guys guys from the same chef school I attended. I made the stupid decision to be a good alumni and offer my restaurant as one of the few restaurants where the top students come for experience.

Alex and Stephanie warned me about this but I didn't listen.

So here I am taking my place on one of the counters, just watching them. Sully has been supervising over them but he also has things to do so I can't blame him for this.

"They get nervous when you are here." he comes over to me with his chopping block and some vegetables.

"Do you get nervous when I am here?" I chuckle, knowing he got really nervous when he started working here.

He just rolls his eyes and scoffs because he knows I am right.

"Where are those two beautiful wives of yours?" he changes the subject with a smile. He knows I wouldn't mind talking about my wives.

I can talk about them all day.

"They went to buy Alex some new clothes. She doesn't fit into her coats anymore." I say with a proud smile. She doesn't fit because her stomach is getting bigger, our babies are growing.

I can't believe she is five months pregnant already. It feels like yesterday when we opened that envelope and in a few weeks our babies will be here.

"Don't yell at me but..... I'd love to see Alex with a pregnant belly. I bet she carries those two like a champion."

"Oh yes she does and she looks fucking hot doing it." I laugh.

Alex is our little overachiever and just like every other time, I love her for it.

I sit and talk to Sully for a few more minutes while he prepares some things. We talked about his wife and his plans after the holidays. He will take some time off and then I'll be in the kitchen.

He then leaves to get back to work and I sit and observe everything that goes on. From the moment an order comes through, the preparation of the meal, right to the plating.

The process seem to run smoothly so I don't get why it was bad during the week. I'll have to go sit and go through the footage of the cameras but I am really not in the mood. It takes forever and it will probably make me even more upset. I don't think I want to know what goes on when I'm not here.

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