Chapter 2

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Stephanie's POV

This is the best fucking feeling in the world. Waking up seeing my beautiful wives still sound asleep. Alex slept in the middle last night because she needed some extra attention. She is laying on her stomach with her head almost under the pillow. I just want to kiss her all over but I know my baby is tired.

I prop myself up on my arm to look over at my other beautiful wife. Maya is facing the other way and I can tell by her breathing that she is also still in a deep sleep.

I am always awake first. It's a bitter sweet moment though. I wish I could sleep like them but once I am awake there is no way I could fall asleep again. Alex's sleep routine is fucked, sometimes they call her at 3am to go to the hospital and that breaks my heart. Giving her a kiss at the time in the morning is not my favourite. So whenever Alex gets the time to sleep I give it to her. When her routine is stable we get up at the same time in the morning but Maya is used to this. She only goes to the restaurant at 12pm but don't get me wrong she works her ass off. Sometimes she comes home at 2am because one of her staff was sick and she had to help clean up. Yes she is that type of woman. A woman I deeply admire.

Luckily being my own boss, I decide when I go to the office, well if I don't have a meeting. I always check with Alex's schedule, like today. Today we can sleep in. Or rather they sleep in and I watch them.

I want to spend every waking moment with them and I always make sure to get all my work done before the weekend. Saturday and Sundays are for us. Family time. Maya is always at the restaurant on a Friday night so she gets another chef for Saturday night and Sundays the restaurant is closed.

We all work out asses off but one thing is for sure and that is, family comes first. We always make time for each other. We plan a trip every month to get away for two days and just relax.

I get my phone and it's 7am. Yes that's about my time to wake up but I am not leaving this bed. Not while I have these two in here. I fluff up my pillow and get the tv remote. It's always on my side of the bed for days like these when I wake up before them.

I put in my earphones and switch on the tv. I select my favourite documentaries and lay back.

A few minutes later I feel Alex stir in her sleep and she looks at me. I open my arm for her and like a moth to a flame she buries her face in my neck while I tickle her back. She throws her one leg over my body and holds me in position.

Not long after my other beauty turns around as well and grabs hold of Alex. Her eyes didn't even open but her hand finds mine and I lace our fingers. She holds it tight between Alex and her body. Then I feel soft kisses on my fingers. Yes, this is exactly why I didn't get out of bed. This is what I live for.

After I think about an hour Alex trails kisses down my neck and I know those are good morning kisses.

"Hmm good morning beautiful" I say in a whisper. I take my earphones out a shift my head a bit to look at her.

"Good morning" she whispers back with a soft sweet kiss. "Is she still sleeping?" She asks.

"Yes I am still sleeping" Maya mumbles against Alex's back. We both laugh and Alex turns on her back. Maya immediately places her head on Alex's chest. "This is nice" she says smiling but her eyes are still closed.

I roll over and kiss her forehead and look at Alex. "This is nice" and I smile.

"What time is it?" Alex asks me.

"Around 8am I think" i say

"Ahh baby you have been up for a while" Alex says caressing my cheek and it earns me another sweet kiss. "What are you watching?"

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