Chapter 12

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Maya's POV

It's been two weeks since Alex got inseminated. The first three days were hard on her. She was in a lot of pain and it broke my heart but we knew this before we started this process. She is so fucking strong but she actually let us take of her.

She is doing fine now. She is herself again, back at work and doing what she does best.

Things at the restaurant has been going great but I jinxed it today. Everything seems to go wrong. It's Friday, the busiest night of the week and the vegetables order didn't arrive on time. The meat we ordered wasn't correct. I had a long conversation with my supplier about that because it happens too often. I can't stress about stuff like that. So he got an earful over the phone today. Luckily I was in my office so my staff didn't hear the vulgar language coming from my mouth. Alex wouldn't be happy about that.

On top of that we hired new waiters today and I think all together they broke about 6 glasses and three plates. Shame they are probably not coming back after my outburst.

Don't break my stuff.

Today just isn't a good day for me.

I cut up some tomatoes for the soup that we have on special tonight. I tested the soup out on Alex and Stephanie last weekend and they really liked it. I also run it by Sully. He is very honest and he has a very specific taste.

After the tomatoes I put in some salt. I hear my phone go off and I check my messages.

Lex 💜 : Need you tonight. We need to talk. Love you❤️

I can't actually leave tonight. It's going to be busy tonight so I quickly call her to hear if she is ok. The phone rings but she doesn't answer. I call again but nothing. I dial Stephanie but she also doesn't answer. She is probably in a meeting. Fuck.


After a few hours of running around just to get everything done to get home to Alex. A bit more yelling and apologies for the new staff and I am finally on my way home. I think Alex and Stephanie is home already so they are probably waiting for me.

I open the garage and only Stephanie is here. I get out my car still in my chef jacket because I thought I was late and well I am kinda worried because I don't know what's going on.

I walk into the house a bit annoyed but I still brought them some food well because we need to eat. "Steph baby!" I yell walking into the living room. She is either in her office or upstairs.

"Office!" I hear her and I walk to her while I losen my jacket.

"Hi honey" I walk in and she sits behind her desk hot as ever in a tight red dress. "Oh hello" I smirk leaning against her desk.

"Hey baby and stop you saw me this morning" she smiles and stands up to kiss me. She pulls away but I grab the back of her neck and kiss her again.

"I forgot" I smile. "Do you know what Alex wants to talk about? I tried to call her."

"No, I tried to call her too and sorry I missed your call. But I think she is fine though" she swings in her chair.

"Ok I hope so. I brought some chicken for dinner" I say taking off my shoes.

"Thanks baby. I will be right out I just want to finish this contract quickly"

"Ok. I will be in my office" I laugh and walk out her office. "Bring my shoes when your done please"

"Yeah yeah" she laughs.

Walking into kitchen I grab a grape from the bowl and pop it into my mouth and put on the kettle. I get the chicken out and place it into a plate and pop it into the oven to warm up.

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