Chapter 6

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Alex's POV

I can sense they are here. My body can feel it. There is a certain energy in the house. I can't explain it but it's the best feeling in the world. Compared with this amazing jacuzzi I filled up and an excessive amount of foam I made, that feeling is heightened.

Champagne on ice and three glasses already filled on the edge of the tub, I sit and wait for them to come through the door. My hair is up in a messy bun and all that is exposed, is my head.

I hear footsteps almost running up the stairs then a loud bang against the door. I hear moaning and stumbling around. I smile because that is exactly what I want. My two wives already going at it.

They come into full view, Maya's legs wrapped around Stephanie's waist with her tongue down Stephanie's throat. Both of them are missing their shirts and pants. I take my champagne glass to enjoy this show before me.

Stephanie walks them into the bathroom, of course knowing I am here. Maya moans and grinds her hips against Stephanie's body wanting more but Stephanie is such a tease. She smiles and bites her neck while she places her on the counter by the large mirror. Who doesn't like to watch themselves have sex? Well I love watching my wives fuck. It's the best fucking thing in the world.

Two seconds and both of their bra's are on the floor. Maya has small but round breasts and Stephanie has big but not too big full breasts. Their bodies smash against each other. Stephanie stands between Maya's legs kissing her with so much hunger. They both moan, definitely because of their nipples grazing each others.

I feel my mouth go dry probably from the staring and also because I am soaked and will probably have a orgasm just by watching them.

"Steph baby please" Maya moans between kisses. Her hips have a mind of its own and she is ready. I know it and Stephanie knows it.

Stephanie takes a few steps back breathing heavily. "What do think honey? Do you think I should fuck our trembling wife?" Stephanie asks me but not taking her eyes off Maya.

"I want a closer look" I say almost in a breathless voice. Shocked at how horny I am.

Without a second thought Stephanie picks Maya off the counter and sits her down on the edge of the tub with her back to me. I move closer and stand on my knees. Maya leans back against my chest and her neck is like a magnet for my lips.

"Oh baby you are so wet" Maya says while I nibble on her skin.

"Touché baby" Stephanie smirks as she slowly takes Maya's panties off.

She gives her panties to me and Maya watches me closely as I lick the wetness off her soaked panties.

"Aahh fuck" she moans totally aroused by that. Well so am I.

"You taste so good baby" I whisper in her ear as my hand travels to her breasts.

Stephanie kneels down in front of Maya and opens up her legs. Maya leans more on to me for support as she willingly pulls her legs up to her chest. Stephanie smiles because this is probably the best access she can get and she looks very pleased.

Maya's clean shaved pussy is swollen and almost glistening from her wetness and it makes me squeeze her boobs a bit harder trying to control myself.

Stephanie lowers herself between Maya's legs and drag a long lick over her wet pussy. Maya moans loudly in my ear and it's the best sound in the world. Her one hand sneaks around my neck to hold my close and her other hand finds Stephanie's hair.

Stephanie then starts sucking and working her tongue on Maya's throbbing clit. Her head falls back on my shoulder as she tries to catch her breath between the moaning.

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