Chapter 4

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Maya's POV

Friday's are definitely the busiest nights of the week. The week days are busy too but when it comes to the weekend it's always fully booked two weeks ahead. I built the restaurant from the ground up. This is everything I wanted. I worked as the head chef at Lovisa for almost 6 years. Till I had enough money to buy my own place. With the help of my lovely wives of course. Now my restaurant is up and running for almost three years and it's going great.

Luckily all my staff are here tonight and I had to hire a few extra people because I won't be helping out so much this evening. I was planning on doing some plating but with the morning I had, I decided I will just check on everything once in a while.

There was so much shit this morning with my vegetables delivery. The gave me way too little than what I ordered so I was stressing about that. Alex called and asked me to call the rude man from the fridge place but I just didn't have the time and I feel bad because he yelled at her and nobody yells at my wives. So tomorrow I will call him and give him a piece of my mind.

"Chef... Chef Woods" a chef calls on me while I cut the steaks into perfect sizes.


"There is a problem with one of the gas plates" he says keeping his distance.

"What the fuck happened now?" I sigh

"I don't know Chef."

I walk with him to the stove and check on the plates. Five of them works but the sixth one doesn't want to work. "What is going on today?" I scream a bit too loud. I know the people in the restaurant can't hear me but the one part of the kitchen definitely heard me. Everything was going great, now this thing decides not to work. I take the plate off and try to see what's going on underneath it. I see one of the switches is a bit loose and I look up at the cook  "Did you think to check yourself?"

"No Chef"

"Come on Nathan just think for yourself." I say very disappointed in him. "Do have to do everything myself?"

I take a knife and lift the switch a bit and then try it and wola!! It works.

"Don't waste my time with shit like this" I say giving him the knife.

"Yes Chef, sorry Chef"

I walk back to my work station and continue with the steaks. Not even 10 minutes later.

"Chef Woods" another person calls for my attention. I close my eyes and lift my head to the ceiling.

"I can't handle more bad news right now" I say with a deep sigh.

"There is a man looking for you in the front"

I look at the waiter behind me. "Who is it?"

"I don't know mam he just said he wants to see the owner that's all"

I wipe my hands and walk with him. We walk through the doors and the restaurant is packed. There are a lot of people on the bar side as well. It's a very elegant bar. Not like a normal bar. There is a piano player and it's usually just business men and woman who comes here. It's not cheap liquor if I have to say so myself.

The waiter leads me to the bar side where it's more quieter. We come to a stop at a table where a man in a suit sits with a glass of scotch.

"Maya Woods" he stands up and shakes my hand. "Eli Holt. It's nice to finally meet you"

"I wish I could say the same. Sorry but who are you?" I say sitting down across from him.

"I am here to make all your dreams come true" he says with a smirk but doesn't affect me at all.

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