Chapter 11

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Maya's POV

It finally came. The canvases I ordered finally arrived. I took the day off work to get it set up. I asked our neighbour Brian to help me with the drilling and he was more than happy to do it. I think he is just eager to get into our house every chance he can get. And he has the hots for Stephanie. He was visibly disappointed when he saw she wasn't there. He tried to stay as long as possible but I reminded him that he has a wife and children at his house.

After he left I hung the lights underneath the canvases and then took the canvases out the seperate boxes. I almost cried when I took them out. Three huge canvases, but it was one black and white picture of us walking on the beach in our wedding dresses. One canvas for each of us breaking up the picture. This is definitely one of my favourite pictures. We were laughing about something. I was walking in the middle with my head thrown back a bit. Alex was to my right looking left to me and Stephanie who was looking at the ground. For sure the happiest day of my life.

After I was done and satisfied I started with dinner because Alex and Stephanie will be home in about two hours. I texted them to come home right after work. Luckily Alex only had a consultation day.

Standing in the kitchen I hear the garage door open. It's probably Alex, Stephanie is always late. Not that I gave a specific time though. I run to the door that leads to the garage to stop whoever is here from coming in. I open the door and to my surprise both of them pull into the garage. I run back to the kitchen to grab the two blindfolds that we use for sex, but it's the only ones we have.

I step into the garage and Alex is getting her things out the back of her car while Stephanie is still getting out the car herself.

"Hey baby" Alex steps up first and gives me a sweet kiss while running her free hand around my waist and a light squeeze on my ass. She knows what I like.

"Hey yourself" I smile running my thumb over her lips where he lipstick is smudged.

"Ahh this is what I live for. Coming home to my beautiful wives" Stephanie smiles walking up to both of us. "Hi lovies" she says to Alex and gives her a kiss then turns to me and gives me a kiss as well.

"Ok baby what is the surprise?" Alex asks.

I lift up the two blindfolds with a big smile.

"Ohhh. Ok. I like where this is going" Stephanie smirks and they both take one.

"No!" Alex quickly objects. Since she can't have sex a week before the insemination and a week after. We decided nobody has sex for two weeks. It has been fucking hard but we are doing it for our baby.

"I am kidding baby" Stephanie apologizes with a kiss and we are all suckers for a make up kiss.

"Ok blindfolds on. I am so excited" I squeal as they pull it over their eyes.

I take both their hands in mine and lead them inside. We stop at the couch in the kitchen and I take all their belongings to put it down. I lead them into the living room and stand in front of them.


They both answer yes and I take both their blindfolds off and step inbetween them with my hands both wrapped around their waists

"Oh my gosh Maya"

"This is beautiful"

They both smile wide at the sight on the wall.

"It finally came" I smile.

They both put their arms around me and I can see the tears in both their eyes. I can tell they are thinking about that day.

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