Chapter 13

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Stephanie's POV

I hate it when we fight. I know we all hate it when we fight but sometimes it happens and sometimes we have to talk it out and get over it. Maya was definitely at fault tonight but I understand why. She had a bad day but Alex was just trying to do the right thing. It was just a case of miscommunication and Maya just snapping a bit. We are all sexually frustrated so it was bound to happen.

"Baby you look really hot in that dress" Alex winks at me from the kitchen counter. She is sitting cross-legged on top of the counter right by Maya's side as they both get the food ready. At least everything seems normal.

"Thank you honey" I smile

Hailey and I are sitting on the couch looking at them. Well Hailey is actually in conversation with them about her school work. She seems ok now. I wanted to yell at her but I will save that for tomorrow. And right now I am busy on the iPad looking at a new car. I really like the Mercedes but I am bored of it now. And we have been driving these cars since we got really serious in our relationship. It's almost been three years already. I think it's time for something new.
Maybe something new that is perfect for the new baby. More space.

I haven't told them that I am looking because we first need to know if Alex is pregnant and well it's a whole thing when buying something new. We have to discuss if they also want a new car. Do they want the same one? Do they want to keep the Mercedes? I don't, I actually got a pretty nice offer for my car. That's also they main reason I think it's time to let her go.

"Steph baby. Are you watching porn?" Maya laughs throwing me with a grape.

I take the grap the fell on the couch and pop it into my mouth. "Yes" I smile.

"Send me the link" she winks.

"Me too" Alex smiles.

We all know it's a lie. We don't watch porn at all. We did watch in the start of our relationship. Just to get ideas and now we never do any of that. I think people would pay to know what we do in the bedroom. They would be shocked. With Alex's endurance, Maya's flexibility and my jaw, we could change the rules for threesome's.

I only wink at them and then Maya continues on with her story. Something about a pedestrian along the road. I hadn't listen to her story, that's why she yelled at me for attention but meanwhile I have been focused on her voice. A little skill I developed through the years. Listening without looking.

"Maya you can't bump people with your car!" I laugh in frustration.

"It wasn't a bump. Just a nudge." She laughs and I tilt my head because she knows it's wrong. "Baby he was in my way" she yells in defence.

"I wait for the call one day saying you are in jail. And the worst part is I know you will be guilty"

"You got to have a challenging case now and then" she smirks with a wink.

Alex laughs throwing her head back. "It's fine Steph just let her go to jail for a few months, she will come back hopefully well behaved."

Maya's jaw drops and I laugh.

"Hailey cover your ears" Maya says and Hailey laughs with a simple "no"

"Fine. You both love to punish me for misbehaving so don't come with that bullshit" she smirks leaning over Alex's lap and her hand going inbetween Alex legs.

She jumps at the touch and grabs Maya's hand in shock. "Maya!"

"Don't worry baby you can punish me later" she winks giving Alex a kiss on the cheek.

My jaw is on the floor along with Hailey's. In total shock. "Baby!" I yell in laughter.

"I did not need to hear that" Hailey covers her eyes and falls against my shoulder.

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