Chapter 21

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Alex's POV

Something inside me knew this would happen. I knew that my mom wouldn't share the joy of our pregnancy. The smiles and the hugs fooled me. It really did.

I thought she was happy for me but standing here in the dark, freezing my ass off, I now see she isn't happy.

"Alex I am your mother. Normal daughters share this with their mothers." she says pacing around our front lawn.

She is the last person to leave which was weird at first but as soon as she asked me to walk with her to the car. That's when I realized she had this whole conversation planned out.

"I wanted to know you are planning on starting a family. That you went for the insemination, the pregnancy test, the first ultrasound. I missed all of that." she says in an angry tone.

"Mom, you know Steph and Maya always wanted a family and you know how scared I was, in fact I am still fucking scared." I yell in annoyance.

"And I didn't tell you or anyone else because this is my family. This is our journey." I point back at the house where Stephanie and Maya are probably standing at a window listening to our conversation.

"This was my choice. I didn't want to tell anyone. Why can't you just respect my decisions? I respected yours and I forgave you for it."

I can see my words struck a nerve because she stays silent for a few seconds. "That is not fair Alex. I did that to protect you and your brother. You know that. " she says with tears in her eyes.

"Yes mom I know. I am doing the exact same thing with my own reasons. I am protecting my family. Why can't you just accept that?" I cry out.

She looks at me and slowly shakes her head. "I'm just gonna go" she whispers and gets in her car without saying anything else.

I watch her drive off and the tears run down my cheek. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down. I don't want to take my anger out on my wives.

After a few more minutes I get myself together and go back inside. I hate being like this in front of my wives. This isn't the first time my mother made me this angry and it's probably not the last.

I walk into our house and close the door as soft as I can. I just need a couple more minutes and I need to take this fucking thing out of my hand.

I round the stairs and head for my office. I close the door and take a seat at my desk. I stop my fluid and disconnect the IV line.

Just as I start working on my hand, my office door slowly opens up but nobody says anything. I can feel them stare at me and I appreciate their concern. They obviously know I am crying because of the screaming match outside but they wait for me to talk first.

"Lovies can we not talk about it tonight please. I don't have the energy" I say in a whisper while taking the IV line out of my hand.

I hear a soft sigh from them both and I hate letting them down. They just want to help me but I can't right now.

"Do you need some help baby?" I hear Maya ask and they both step closer towards my desk.

"No I am ok thanks honey. I am all done" I smile and look up, showing them my hand.

I can tell the smile doesn't really help with my  probably red cried eyes. They both sigh again and I now see the concerning look on their faces.

"I just want to go to bed" I say standing up. I feel a hand from both Stephanie and Maya giving me a comforting touch on my body.

Without moving an inch away, still blocking my path to the door. They look at me and I know they aren't happy with me not talking about it. It's normal for me too keep things bottled up but they hate it.

Normal to us (GxGxG)  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now