Chapter 18

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Alex's POV

Waking up in another bed, in another state, all alone is the most horrible experience. I have done it so many times and it doesn't get better.

I have to be at the hospital today at 4 am. Yesterday we discussed the surgery we will do today and it is scheduled for 7am. So here I am, it's cold, it's dark, I can feel bubba is not liking this at all. I can feel the nausea building up the more I move.

But I need to keep it down. My patient needs me today. I called Brittany last night and she gave me a prescription for something stronger but that requires me to get an IV drip. I don't have time for an IV drip now.

Maya and Stephanie are not too thrilled that I am going into a 20 hour surgery. My body is weak and they know it. I barely ate last night because I don't want any content in my stomach. Maybe I won't throw up this morning.

Getting into my scrubs and my lab coat, I walk to go meet my patient and his parents.

It's just past five and they had to wake him up but I still knock softly, just to announce my entry.

"Good morning everyone" I give them my best smile. I put out my hand to the closest person who looks like his mother. "My name is Dr Woods. I will doing Michael's surgery today."

"Hi my name is Sarah Jones" she smiles politely. "This is my husband Barry" she introduces me and I shake his hand as well.

I walk closer to the bed and Michael looks up at me with big eyes. "Hi Michael. It's nice to finally meet you" I slightly touch his arm.

He can't really move. His neck is in a brace and his whole body is kept still with straps.

I pull a chair closer to his bed and sit down. "How are you feeling Michael?"

"Nervous" he says in a shacky voice.

"Isn't his surgery at seven?" his mom cuts in. They are probably just as nervous. I mean I look ready to operate.

"Yes it is." I smile at them and then look back at Michael. "I just came by too introduce myself. To see how you are doing? And I wanted to talk to you for a while. I have heard many great things about you but I had too see for myself."

He gives me a small smile but I can see in his eyes that he is nervous.

"Michael, I don't know if they told you anything about me. And that fact that I am a woman might make you even more nervous and that is ok. It happens a lot."

"But my name is Alex. I am a orthopedic surgeon currently practicing in New York. I am so sorry for what happened to you but you have the best team on your side and we are going to do everything we can to help you walk again ok."

"Ok" he smiles.

"Ok can you try to squeeze my finger quickly" I say placing my finger in his palm. I feel a light squeeze and I am satisfied. "Good job Michael."

"Do you have any questions for me?" I look at him and his parents.

"Are you married?" I hear Michael ask. I am a bit taken back but his attempt to flirt with me means he feels a bit more comfortable.

"Michael!" his parents also laugh in disbelief.

"I am yes" I chuckle slightly. "I am impressed that you noticed I didn't have a ring on my finger."

"First thing I checked." he blushes. "Sorry"

I can't help but laugh and stand up from my chair. "That's ok. I will see you soon ok."

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