Chater 26

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Alex's POV

I wake up with a weird feeling in my stomach. The last couple of days I have felt a bit strange and usually I would adjust my position and then it will be better.

But this is different.

I frown and try sitting up only to be hit with an intense pain shooting up my stomach and spine. "Ow fuck"

I reach for the bedside lamp, turn it on and my eyes widen at the soaked sheet underneath me. "Oh shit"

My heart is beating in my chest and my breathing gets caught in my throat.

This is it. It's time to have these babies.

"Lovies" I say in breathless voice as I try standing up. With them both facing the other way, I realize they probably won't be affected by the light or my poor attempt to wake them up.

I hold onto my stomach as I feel another sharp pain running through my whole body. "Ahh fuck!" I can't help but yell a bit louder.

This caused Maya who was sleeping in the middle to wake up and turn her head to me "Baby what's wr-" her eyes widen at my current state and she immediately jumps up from the bed.

"I think my water broke" I breathe out.

"Stephanie!" she yells out but comes to my side. "Ok we got you sweetheart." she says in a calm tone and helps me sit up.

"It hurts" I whisper and squeeze her hands.

"I know, I know but you're are going to be fine." she smiles trying to make me feel better. "Let's just get you some new clothes ok"

I nod and she quickly sprints to the closet to get me some dry clothes. Her being awake already makes me feel better but it still fucking hurts.

"What's going on?" I hear Stephanie's sleepy voice on the other side of the bed.

"It's time" I slightly look back at her and just like Maya and myself, her eyes widen and she jumps out the bed.

"Oh my gosh baby!" she comes to my side. "Are you ok?"

Right before I could say anything Maya comes back out with some clothes. They both go to work, stripping me from my clothes and getting on the new ones.

They both ran back to the closet to get dressed themselves but they weren't gone for too long.

Before I knew it they had the bags in hand while guiding me down the stairs towards the car.

They help me get in the backseat but I can't let go of Stephanie's hand. "Please sit here with me." I whisper in a desperate voice.

"I am right here sweetheart." she gives me a warm smile and gets in the back with me.

"Do we have everything?" I ask as we back out the garage. It's the middle of the night and even though winter is fading, it's still cold at 2 am.

"Yes baby we have everything" Maya says in a calm voice as she takes start driving down the road.

"Are you sure?" I ask again looking at Stephanie.

"Yes honey, just relax we got everything ok" she smiles and rubs her hand up and down my thigh.

I nod and take another deep breath, my hand tightens around Stephanie's and I prepare for another contraction. "Aahhh fuck this is not fun for me"

"Just breathe through it" Stephanie motivates beside me.

"I need to lay down" I call out, feeling really uncomfortable sitting like this. It feels as if everything gets pushed up in my chest.

She moves back against the door and I take my place between her legs, laying back against her chest. "Maya how much longer?" I groan out in pain.

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