Chapter 5

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Alex's POV

"Ok I am back" Maya says now only wearing a black shirt. She pours herself a glass of wine almost to the top.

"Wow baby, you are here with your car?" Stephanie says

"That is true. Shit. I will take the back road" Maya says with a cheap smile.

"You are giving my grey hair at 25" I say taking a last sip of my first glass but Stephanie fills it up again immediately. "Ok baby tell us your big news" I say and Maya also turn towards her.

"Ok so you know I had a meeting this afternoon right?"

We both nod

"So I never told you who it was. It is Chris Lane"

"Lane. Like in-lane technology?" I ask with an excited voice.

"Yep" she says with a smile.

"No fucking way. Is he interested in your firm?" Mayas asks my question.

"Well sort of. But he only wants to work with me. So it's very private" she says

"Ok and how is things looking? Is he going to sign?" I ask

"Contract is signed and sealed" she says with a proud tone.

"Oh my gosh baby!!" Maya jumps from her seat.

"Congratulations!" I yell to meet her tone. I lean over and give her a few kisses and a hug. Maya leans over the table and kisses the other parts of her face till she laughs.

"Thank you but it's all for us. And I couldn't have done it without you" she raises her glass and so do we.

"We are so proud of you baby" Maya says and we drink to that.

The next moment our food arrives and we all enjoy the perfect cooked steak. We eat this all the time at home but it doesn't matter. It's good anytime of the day.

"Alex baby, I talked to Lauren when I left the office." Stephanie say looking at me.

"Thank you" I say rubbing my hand on her inner thigh.

"What did she do this time?" Maya asks

"After I called you about the guy and the fridge. I called the office and Lauren said she was in a meeting so I say ok it's fine can you please tell her to call me when she gets a chance. And I called at like 12 just past 12."

"Yeah you called me around 12 " Maya says chewing.

"Yeah so I thought your meeting was at 1 otherwise I wouldn't have even called but anyway. So then I got busy with my patients and so and then she only calls me back at 4 which I am not mad about. But then Lauren only gave her the message an hour after her meeting was done"

"That bitch" Maya gasps. "What if something serious had happened?"

"That's why I tell you to call me on my phone. I always have it on me" Stephanie says.

"I know you will answer and then I feel bad because sometimes I call just to say I miss you"

Maya laughs. "I do that too but then I call Lauren on purpose so she would have to tell you"

"She never told me that before" Stephanie says.

"Are you serious baby?" Maya says now mad and so am I.

"That's why I say just call me on my phone" she says again.

"That fucking bitch" I say clenching my jaw.

"I did talk to her and if she keeps doing it I will fire her ok" Stephanie admits defeat.

"Thank you" Maya says with a smile.

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