Chapter 19

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Maya's POV

Waking up with your sick wife at five am is not the best feeling in the world. It breaks my heart when I feel her stir in her sleep and then running to the bathroom.

She is exhausted after the week she had. Last night when we picked her up from the airport, she was crying the whole way home. She was so emotional. I think it was partly being tired and partly hormones. Nevertheless we got home and gave her all the attention she wanted. We all took a nice long bath together and we spent the rest of the night in bed all cuddled up.

"Honey! Are you ok?" I stand behind the door of the bathroom. She doesn't like us being in there when she throws up. She feels embarrassed, which is ridiculous. So we can only go in when she flushes the toilet.

"I am ok sweetheart." she says in a faint voice but I don't believe her for a second.

I look over at Stephanie who is sitting on the bed, looking just as convinced as I am.

Just before I could say anything else we hear her throw up again. Every time I hear it, it feels like the first time. That first time I was scared out of my mind. I knew morning sickness is part of the deal but when you hear it happening, it's horrible. Your pregnant wife, hurled over a toilet is not what you want too see first thing in the morning and there is nothing you can do about it.

"I am going to make her some tea ok" Stephanie stands up, putting on her robe and gives me a kiss on the cheek before she leaves.

I hear the toilet flush and then the tap running, indicating that she is brushing her teeth.

"Aarrgghhh" she groans coming out the door. She immediately puts her arms around my neck and fall into my body.

"You ok baby?" I whisper and kiss the side of her head.

"Yeah" she breathes out. "But I am so tired"

"You want too sleep again?"

She moves away from me but I keep my hands on her hips and wait for her answer. "No it's fine. We have a lot going on today."

We actually have a lot going on. I have to make some food and dessert for tomorrow. And this afternoon Dylan is bringing over his new girlfriend to meet us. He doesn't want to overwhelm her with everyone all at once tomorrow. And he wants her to meet all of us. Essentially we were going to meet her one by one but everything has been so crazy around here. So Stephanie suggested they stay over tonight.

I cup her face and look at her tired eyes. "How long is this going to continue?"

"I don't know honey. It's usually just the first trimester. So maybe just two more weeks." she gives me a soft smile.

Stephanie comes through the door with Alex's cup of tea and two coffee mugs for us. She immediately turns around and reaches out for it. "Aawwhh baby, thank you. We don't deserve you"

"No we don't" I second her comment and we each give her a thank you kiss.

We take our seats on the bed again and Alex picks a movie for us to watch. We aren't planning on sleeping because Alex will probably run to the bathroom every half an hour. So we just cuddle up close to each other and enjoy this time together.

The weather still hasn't changed. It's still very cold outside and it actually might rain tomorrow. As much as I love my friends and family, I really want to spend some time with my wives. It's been a rough week with Alex being away.

"Lovies!" Alex suddenly calls on us and puts a pause on the movie. She moves a bit to the side so we can see her. She is on the side closest to the bathroom for whenever she needs to run.

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