Chapter 16

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Stephanie's POV

Waking up to my two favorite people in the world. Cuddling up against me is probably my favorite time of the day. The sun isn't up yet but I can see it's starting to get lighter by the minute.

I know Alex is also probably awake because that's her routine. Maya on the other hand is still out like a light.

So I turn to Alex's side and cuddle my way into her neck. I hear her slightly chuckle but she wraps her arms around me and kisses the top of my head. "Good morning" she whispers very close to my ear.

I answer her by planting soft kisses in her neck and shoulder. She is so warm and she always smells amazing. She holds me tight and runs her hand up and down my back.

We lay like this for a couple of minutes till the bed dips behind me. "I am cold" Maya whines out and latches herself around my body. "Did it snow or something?" she mumbles with her face in my hair. There was no indication that me and Alex were awake but I think she is so used to our routine or just her lack of care to wake us up.

"I don't know baby" Alex answers her. "Probably somewhere on the mountains but the sun is coming up then it will be warmer."

Alex is definitely the caring one between us. She is always so calm about everything. She is going to be an awesome mom.

With that thought I sneak my hand down her stomach and rest it under the waistband of her shorts. This is where our baby is growing. Sometimes it feels surreal, and she isn't showing yet but when I put my hand there it makes it real.

Alex kisses my head again and her hand comes to lay on top of mine. I instantly smile because she knows why I do it. She knows what I am thinking about.

I think about our family every minute of every day. Everything I would do for Alex and Maya and now our little bubba on the way. My love for them has just grown stronger. I didn't think that was even possible.

The next moment Alex stands up and runs to the bathroom. I rest up on my arm with a frown till I hear her throwing up.

Behind me, Maya immediately sits up and we both jump out of bed.

As we come to the door Alex is bent over the toilet, with her knees on the floor and her hair over her face. She flushes the toilet and stands up. My heart is racing with concern. My hand is tight around Maya's, in desperate need for comfort. She walks to the sink and ties her hair up into a messy bun. "Well that wasn't fun"

"Are you ok?" Maya asks but we keep our distance. "Can we get you anything?" we are not really sure what to do.

"No thanks baby I am good. Just a little morning sickness" she smiles and starts brushing her teeth.

"You sure honey? Maybe water? Or some of your herbal tea?" I ask feeling helpless.

"I am ok baby thank you." she smiles with the toothbrush in her mouth.

"Promise?" Maya and I ask at the same time.

Alex rinses out her mouth and then walks over to us. She wraps her arms around both our necks and we both hold her. "I promise lovies. I am not going to hide anything from you. We talked about it."

We did talk about it. Since Alex hates to burden us with stuff about her work. She sometimes holds things back from other aspects of her life. It's not like she is lying to us on purpose. She just thinks it's best that we don't know because sometimes things at the hospital get real ugly and she thinks we can't handle it.

So after a long conversation she promised to be honest about how she feels during the pregnancy. She has to let us take care of her. She doesn't need to be strong for us and hide her feelings.

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