Chapter 32

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Alex's POV

Sitting at my desk, staring at the open files in front of me with little to no energy. I've been going over them for the last hour and I still don't know what to do. I don't know how the hell a 14 year old girl can shatter her femur like this.

I take a deep breath, push my chair back and close my eyes for a few seconds. This patient had me busy the whole morning. In between consultations and doing rounds, my mind kept going back to this file.

I have to call her parents tomorrow morning to schedule a surgery. I know what I have to do but it will be a long surgery and she will be in the hospital for a really long time. The risk for infection is so high and I don't want her to lose her leg. She still has her whole life ahead of her.

A knock on my door shakes me from my thoughts and I open my eyes. "Come in"

I know I don't have an appointment right now so I frown in confusion till I see Anna step through the doorway. "Sorry doctor, your mother and brother are here. Can I send them in?"

"Uhm yeah sure" I stand up from my chair.

Now I'm even more confused. Normally my brother would call me before he comes over but my mother is the big shock.

I haven't seen her in about six months.

After the twins were born my mother only came by three times too see them. Even then she didn't really interact with them or me. After that we had another fight over the phone and then the messages became shorter over time. Dylan only told me she left the city for a while. I didn't even reach out to her. I would ask Dylan how she was doing from time to time.

"Hey sis" Dylan is the first to step through the door.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" I smile and give him a big hug. I look behind him and make eye contact with my mother who stands in front of the now closed door.

"Hi Alex" she says in a low voice.

"Mom" I nod in her direction with a small smile. It feels weird to see her. I don't know if I'm mad or just simply disappointed. At the moment I don't know if I even want to see her.

"Are you busy?" Dylan breaks the uncomfortable tension in the room and I look back to him.

"What is she doing here Dylan?"

"I don't-"

"I called him to meet me here" my mom cuts him off. "Can we talk for a minute?"

"About what?" I scoff. "I haven't seen you in six months or even got a phone call and now you want to talk me?"

She doesn't say anything and just looks at the ground. Normally she would say something back but today she is quiet.

"I only have a few minutes." I sigh and walk back to my desk.

I hear a soft thank you as I sit down in my chair. I quickly put away my files as they both take a seat in front of me.

"I'm sorry I didn't call before coming over." my mother starts. "I just want to talk to both of you"

I glance at Dylan and I can see a slight clench in his jaw. He isn't to happy with my mother about what she's done the last couple of months but I told him to just forget about it. My relationship with her shouldn't affect his relationship with his mother.

I have my own family but he still needs her sometimes.

"It's about your father"

My eyes snap in her direction and my heart stops for a few seconds.

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