Chapter 3

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Stephanie's POV

I step into my office building and the reception lady almost shit her pants.

"Good morning Mrs Woods" she says in a shaky voice.

"Good morning Eve" I say and walk to the elevator. Shame she is always so nervous around me and I don't know why.

The elevator doors open and wide eyes everywhere. I know they don't do shit when I am not here but I let it go because it's Friday and also as long as their work is done on time then I don't care. I don't need that stress in my life. 

I walk away from the cubicles, down the hallway. I walk past a few meeting rooms and a few of them are filled with people. One in particular with my favourite, ah Jerry. We make eye contact through the glass wall that separates us. He gives me a small nod and I am satisfied.

"Good morning Mrs Woods. I didn't think you are coming in today" my assistant Lauren greets me a bit too excited. Alex and Maya still believe she is in love with me but I don't pay that much attention to her. So maybe I don't see it.

"Good morning Lauren" I say and walk into my office. There is a big wooden desk with my computer that is facing the big wooden doors. Behind my desk is a big almost wall to wall window. There is a small fridge with leather couch lounge to my left and a big conference table to my right. I usually have meetings in the normal meet rooms but this is for my private clients.

I take a seat at my desk and check my emails. One thing about being one of the most powerful lawyers ,is there is always emails. I did have my emails synched with my phone once and that was the biggest mistake of my life. It wouldn't stop going off so I decided that is not going to work. Especially when I am at home.


My desk phone goes off and I know it's Lauren because all my calls go to her first and then she asks me before I answer.

"Yes Lauren"

"There is a Mr Lane downstairs looking for you"

"Isn't the meeting scheduled for 1pm?"

"Yes mam, he wants to know if you can maybe do it now at 12?"

"Ok that is fine. Show him to room 3 please"

"Yes mam"

I leave my emails and get my files ready. This is a very important meeting. The man owns one of the largest technology companies in the world and a few months ago his lawyer played him like a fool and now he is looking for someone else. And he specifically asked for me not just my company. So if I land this client it can change the game for me. Then I will get more big clients like him.


"Mr Lane I am looking forward to work with you" I say with a big smile on my face. He just said yes to me. Well it wasn't hard but he is a loyal man and so am I.

"Likewise Mrs Woods. I will send a little gift your way this afternoon" he says while standing up.

"That is not necessary" I say as we walk to the door.

"Of course it is." He smiles. I shake his hand again and he leaves.

I walk back to the table and sit down. I take a deep breath. "Fuck". I did it.

I grab all the papers that he just signed and walk back to my office. Because he asked me personally everything is confidential so this means I have to do the paperwork myself. Which I don't mind at all because someone always fucks it up.

I decide to start immediately. Just to get going. There is no way I will finish today because it's almost 3pm. Wow that meeting was long but so worth it.

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