Chapter 15

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Maya's POV

It's been four weeks since we found out Alex is pregnant and we have been over the moon. It's like we have grown closer to each other. I didn't think that was possible but here we are.

Alex said she wants to go away for the weekend but she didn't want to tell us where we are going. She just said she wants to leave on Thursday.

I got Sully to handle the restaurant and Steph took almost the whole week off.

It's Thursday morning and I just quickly went to the restaurant to check if everything was fine. Alex and Steph was busy packing after I left so when I get home we could just pack the car and go.

I walk into the house and see our bags at the front door packed and ready. I am ready to leave but I smell food being cooked in the kitchen. I frown and walk in that direction.

"Baby what are you doing?" I ask in total confusion when I see Alex taking a pan from the oven with fries and nuggets.

"I have this intense craving for mustard" she laughs and gets a plate. I watch her put some fries and nuggets in the plate and drown it in mustard. "Oh my gosh" she says in a very seductive voice. My eyes go wide because that is her orgasm voice. "This is what I wanted"

"I am glad honey but didn't you say we are grabbing lunch on the way? Where the hell did you even get these nuggets?" I laugh picking up the box. She made the whole box.

"Yes we are but we can eat this on the way to lunch. And I went to the store to buy it" she smiles giving me a kiss and letting me have a bite of her nuggets and chips.

"That's actually really good" I laugh and nod taking another bite. "It's like diner food"

"I know right" she laughs stuffing her face. I can't help but smile. She has had the weirdest cravings the last couple of weeks. One week it was chocolate or cream. Then it was apples, anything to do with apples. Then it was nuts. She is a sucker for a desert so luckily I could make deserts for her with all of those things but now it's mustard. I can't work with that.

"Alex what are you eating?" Steph comes into the kitchen laughing. "I just made you sausages for breakfast" she shakes her head and comes over to kiss me.

"Did you know she went to the store to buy that?"

"You said you needed some medicine?" She laughs looking at Alex.

"I did but I wanted nuggets as well" she talks with a full mouth. "Just try it" she holds up a bite for Steph and she happily takes it.

"That's really good" she smiles.

"Right" me and Alex says at the same time. We both help her eat because it was way too much and it's really good.

"Ok let's go" I put everything away after we quickly washed it.

We pack everything in the car and Alex gets in the driver seat, me in the passenger seat and Steph in the back.

"So you are really not going to tell us where we are going?" Stephanie asks from the back.

"No not yet" Alex smiles.

"Not cool baby" I comment.

"Oh stop you are going to love it" she laughs.

"That is true. Doesn't matter where we are going, at least we are together so that makes me happy already" Stephanie touches both our shoulders.

I kiss her hand and smile back at her.

We drive for a while just listening to the radio and talking about everyday things. We talked about the lastest news about our families. I told them about Willow who wants to have dinner with us when we get back. She has been so quiet lately we haven't seen her since our family gathering. She was between jobs and she moved in the meantime. But she seems to be doing better after her bad breakup.

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