Chapter 17

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Alex's POV

Nine weeks pregnant. First six weeks was a breeze. These last three weeks was horrible and it's not stopping.

So here I am like every other morning, right on time, sitting on the bathroom floor and puking my guts out.

But I would rather take it now and five am, than at the hospital while I see my patients. Nobody would trust a doctor who wants to hurl every few seconds till it finally comes out.

I flush the toilet and wipe my face at the sink. I have been coming to one of the guest bathrooms because I feel bad when I wake Maya and Stephanie up. They always bring me water or my medicine and I really appreciate it but I hate being a burden.

I am definitely getting a speech some time soon. Why do I always do this? They want to be there for me.

Come on Alex.

Every day for the past three weeks I have been at work very early in the morning. I can't go back to sleep for just 45 minutes, that is just torture. So I get ready for work at half past five every morning.

I have asked Anna to book my consultations from 10 am from now on, just incase I feel sick at work. So during the morning I do my rounds and get some paperwork done. It works out perfectly actually but losing cuddling time with my wives is hard. I just wish this stupid morning sickness would go away.

Dressed and ready for today, I make my way downstairs. Stephanie and Maya are still sleeping soundly in our bed. It wasn't easy to get everything done in the dark but I am out of the room, satisfied with my look for today.

Stephanie only gets up at seven so she still has a good hour to sleep.

I get downstairs and put on some of the lights. It's basically winter but it hasn't snowed yet. We usually measure winter along with Maya's birthday. It only starts to get really cold about two weeks after her birthday but it's close. Her birthday is this Sunday. Then a week after that is thanksgiving and a week after that it usually starts to snow.

I open up the patio door suddenly feeling the need for fresh air, as I feel the morning sickness creeping in. "I love you so much bubba but please stop making me sick" I talk down to my stomach.

I can't believe I have it this bad. I barely ate last night and I pretty sure I just flushed everything down the drain a half an hour ago.

Looking out across the backyard, the wind is actually quite strong this morning and it's cloudy. Luckily I decided to wear a jacket over my sweater today. It's only till I get to the hospital. Inside that building you wouldn't know what is going on outside. The temperature is always the same. I only need my sweater and my lab coat.

The kettle is already boiling for my tea. Stephanie and Maya made me promise too stop drinking coffee in the morning because it also makes me throw up. It was really hard but I guess it was a smart idea.

No coffee on a cold winters morning sucks.

After a few minutes I feel better but I leave the door open as I make myself some tea and switch on the tv to look at the news.

A cold front is headed to the east coast and citizens will definitely feel the temperatures drop down a few degrees by tonight. This cold front will continue until Saturday evening.
There is luckily no prediction of snow or rain. 

"Well now the clouds makes sense" I nod and look out the window again.

I finish my tea and get me and Stephanie's lunches ready for today. Maya already made us some food, I am just putting it in our separate bags.

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