Chapter 29

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Maya's POV

Getting home from the restaurant, feeling excited to spend some time with my family and just relaxing. I walk into the house and my mood immediately changes when I see Stephanie in Alex's arms. They slowly part as I step through the door and look at me.

"Hey" I say with a slight frown and put my handbag on the counter. "Baby, what's wrong?" I look at Stephanie and I can see she was crying. I immediately cup her face and glance at Alex in concern.

Stephanie doesn't say anything and puts her face in my shoulder, hugging me tight around my neck. I wrap my arms around her lower back and hug her tight.

"I am sorry" she whispers in a crying state which makes me even more confused and honestly a little scared. Why is she sorry? Is there something I don't know about?

Alex gives me a small smile and puts her arms around both of us. "She feels like a shitty wife"

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding and I pull away to look at Stephanie. "Baby look at me" I say in a sincere tone. I know what this is about and it's completely unnecessary. Even though we joked about her being absent this week, we didn't mean it and she certainly received her rather enjoyable punishment last night.

Alex wraps her arms around Stephanie's body from behind and gives her comforting kisses on her shoulder.

"You are so far from being a shitty wife. This was just a bad week. We all get them and we get through it like we always do." I wipe a falling tear from her cheek as she silently nods.

"You were trying to save your company which helps provide for our family. That is definitely not a bad thing in my books."

"Definitely not" Alex shakes her head in agreement.

"I just missed so many important things that happened" she says in a croaked voice.

"No baby come on we talked about this" Alex sighs and hugs Stephanie tighter.

"About what?" I ask.

"About my surgery this week" Alex explains. "She feels guilty that she hadn't asked me about it yet."

"Yeah and fucking Jane Vera did it before me" Stephanie scoffs in a mocking tone.

"Who is Jane?" I ask in confusion.

"The new Cardiologist I told you about?"

"She is more a gynecologist who is only interested to examine one cervix." Stephanie rolls her eyes.


"What?!" I cut her off and look at Alex in shock. She just closes her eyes and rest her head against Stephanie's back.

"Can we first get back to this please?" she sighs. "And can I please sit?" she says more as a statement than a question and hops up on the counter. She pulls Stephanie back to stand between her legs, holding her around her waist.

Stephanie holds onto my neck and I rest my arms on Alex's legs, keeping my hands in place to touch both of them.

"Ok" I take a deep breath to calm myself. Let's first attend to our wife's emotional state and then we'll circle back to this Jane Vera, who has found her place on my 'skin-alive' list.

"Steph baby, everything is fine. You didn't neglect us or the twins. We still love you so much and we don't blame you for anything ok?"

She only nods and looks down at the ground.

"Stop being so hard on yourself." I smile and she mirrors my expression.

"Yeah" Alex whispers and gives her a few soft kisses in her neck.

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