Chapter 34

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Stephanie's POV

"No, no, no, nooooo!" I yell in frustration with a fake cry and cover my eyes. I hate this, I hate this part. This always fucking happens to me. I somehow make the same mistakes over and over again.

I fail every fucking time.

"Baby stop yelling. You're gonna wake the kids"

"Baby" I whine and tilt my head up to look at Alex. "It happened again"

"I saw that sweetheart" she slightly chuckles and puts a hand on my cheek. "Just try shooting him from the roof"

"I've tried that a million times" I groan and sit up straight to restart my mission.

I don't stay there very long as she pulls me back, placing her hands over my chest. I smile at her need to have me close even when all my attention is on the video game.

I've been playing for about two hours and my beautiful wife has been my personal cheerleader the whole time. I took my place between her legs with my back against her chest and she hasn't moved since. I had to get her wine glass on the table a few times but I didn't mind that at all.

The only reason I'm playing is for Jonah. One day he'll want to play Xbox and I need to practice. I can't let him win if we play together one day.

The twins are already asleep with little to no trouble at all. We have the baby monitor right next to us on the couch but I doubt that they'll wake up tonight. They had an absolute blast in the pool today. Alex had the day off and I came home early because it's Friday so we spent the whole afternoon outside. It was a beautiful summers day so we had to take advantage of it.

I am actually also a little tired from today's events but we're not going to sleep now. Maya is still at the restaurant so we will wait till she gets home. She was a little jealous monster when we video called her from the pool today. She almost left the restaurant just to come swim with us. I don't blame her though I would've felt the same.

I smile when I feel Alex's hand sneaking into my shirt and cupping my one breast. "Baby?" I laugh and jerk a bit at the sudden action. She doesn't answer and just starts massaging my breast very slowly.

"Alex!" I call on her again but she just softly chuckles in my ear.

"I'm just doing a quick breast examination"

I smile and just shake my head. She loves using that excuse but we sometimes ask for an examination, just to make sure you know.

Every shot I take is a miss and I almost died a few times because it's really hard to concentrate on shooting enemies while your wife has her hand inside your shirt.

But do I want her to take it out?

Fuck no.

She moves from the one breast to the other. I can feel in her motions that it's not meant to turn me on. She is just playing with me a little. But I'm honestly getting a bit aroused though. It doesn't take much to turn me on anyway. I could just look at my wives and imagine them naked. It's as easy as that.

"Well Mrs Woods, you have nothing to worry about." she says in a professional tone and takes out her hand. "But may I just say, you have a beautiful pair of tits on you" she whispers very seductively in my ear.

"Oh Dr Woods. I don't think that statement is very professional." I chuckle as she starts kissing my neck. "And I don't think my wives would appreciate you flirting with-..... Oh come on!"

I throw the remote to the other side of the couch and Alex laughs in my ear. "Why don't you take a break sweetheart? Let's go make me some tea."

I stand up and stretch my back before I help her up from the couch. She groans a bit and holds her thighs. "My legs are a bit numb."

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