Chapter 14

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Alex's POV

Driving through the traffic in New York is a bitch. At 1 o'clock in the afternoon? There is always traffic and it's not the best thing at the moment because it gives me time to think. I don't want to think because it makes me nervous. That envelope is burning a whole in my brain. I want to be pregnant so bad. I have started to feel some changes in my body but I am scared that my mind is playing tricks on me. I have started having a bit of morning sickness but not as bad that I have to throw up. I have lost my appetite a bit. I really think I am pregnant but I don't want to get all hopeful and then the test is negative.

And that's why I need to be with me wives. I need them to distract me till tonight. When we can open it together. Not only do I want the results but I am so sexually frustrated that I want to explode. It's been three weeks since we had sex and I can tell it's affecting Stephanie and Maya. I told them they could have sex but they didn't want too. They are so supportive through all of this and I want to repay them somehow. Not sure how yet but let's just get tonight behind us then I will think of something.

I park my car at the restaurant and get out my bag as well. I have some reports to write, so why not do it here where someone else can bring me coffee and desert. I have been craving sweet things lately.

I walk into the restaurant, it's kinda busy since it's lunchtime. I walk past the front desk but is stopped by a very small, blonde woman.

"Good afternoon, table for one?" She asks with a big smile on her face with a hint of blush rising in her cheeks.

I take my sunglasses off and give her a sweet smile. She is new and clearly doesn't know who I am. Stephanie would enjoy this so much.

"Hi, are you new here?" I ask leaning my one arm on the stand.

"Y-yes mam. Do you have a reservation?" She asks a bit hesitant.

"I do not have a reservation but what is you name?" I ask because she isn't wearing a name tag yet. So she must be brand new.

She looks around and swallows a visible lump in her throat. "Um, Addison mam."

I put my hand out to her. "It's nice to meet you Addison my name is Alex Woods." She hesitantly shakes it and let's go. "You are doing a fantastic job here in the front. Very friendly and polite. One thing though. Not many people will talk to you like this but if they do, don't be shy ok. Keep up the confidence." I smile and she gives me a small unsure nod.

"Thank you mam. Can I get you table?" She asks again. I really don't think she knows who I am.

I was going to go through the kitchen but she really wants to give me a table. "Yes please. If you have a booth available I would really appreciate that."

"Right this way" she takes a menu and walks in front of me. I follow behind her to the booth and I sit down. "A waiter will be right with you" she smiles.

"Thank you so much Addison but I don't want a waiter. Can you please get me the chef? I want to order something off the menu."

She looks at me with a confused expression. "Uhm sorry mam we don't take orders off the menu. Our chef is very busy today I don't think she will have the time to come out."

I look at her, shame I don't want to embarrass her. She is so fragile and shy and well new. "Ok that is fine Addison thank you so much."

She then nods and looks at me for a few seconds before she walks away. Poor girl.

I look and wait for her to help someone else. A waiter comes my way but recognises me and greets me with a warm smile. "Good afternoon Mrs Woods"

"Good afternoon can you please get me a coffee and tell my wife I am here?" I smile.

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