Chapter 10

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Stephanie's POV

Everyone seems satisfied and comfortable. Alex and Maya both have a glass of wine and is in deep conversation with different people. Alex is with the guys and Maya is with her sisters and Karen. I was talking with my mama's and I am here filling up their glasses.

"Here you go sexy mama's" I say giving them all their glasses and they thank me.

My eyes land on Dylan who is sitting on the other side of the pool in one of the lounge chairs. I walk back to the fridge and get two beers.

"I don't usually walk after a man." I give Dylan a beer and sit down next to him. "So you should remember this moment"

He only smiles and takes the beer.

"So Alex told us you have a new girl. Someone in you class. Is she hot?" I ask smirking.

He laughs and covers his eyes feeling embarrassed. "So she really tells you everything huh?"

"We don't have secrets Dylan" I say taking a sip of my beer. He takes a deep breath and sits forward running his hands through his hair.

"Why didn't you bring her?"

"I don't know. We aren't official yet. It's all just casual at the moment." 

"Why? what's wrong?" I ask narrowing my eyebrows. Something is definitely going on.

"You know what's wrong Steph" he says sighing back in his seat.

And I do know what.

"I am so fucking scared." He says looking down at his hands.

I sit up a bit, looking around. "Dylan, listen too me, you are not him. You will never be him"

He looks up from his lap. "I am not her" my eyes follow his to land on Alex. "I am not as strong as she is."

"Dylan look at me" I say and he slowly turns his head to me. "We both know your childhood was unfair. Both of you had to grow up way before you should have. You had to take care of things and I am not blaming your mother for anything because that is not her fault. But in some ways it isn't all bad because Alex is the strongest person I know, even though she is scared about certain aspects of life, just like you are but you don't have to be scared to be like your father, you wanna know why?"

I pause. "Because unlike him you actually care not to be like that. I know with every bone in my body that you will love and respect the girl that you have. And that kind of love is something else. There is something deeper."

I look at Alex and I smile.

"She has so much love in that little body of hers"

"It's because she feels loved" he says in a whisper.

"Exactly Dylan" I look back at him. "Do you love me Dylan? I know you love Maya" I smile.

"Of course I do" he laughs a bit.

"Why do you love us?"

He smiles and looks at his beer. "Because you drink a beer with me even though you hate it. Because Maya goes out her way to make me my favourite dishes even if I tell her it's not necessary. You house is always open for me and I know I can call you anytime if I am in trouble."

"And why do you think we do that?"

"Because you love me too" he smiles.

"Yes we do Dylan. And all these people here" I point to everyone around us. "They all love you"

He takes a deep breath.

"Dylan you deserve to be happy. You have to take chances. And you definitely seem serious about this girl because you haven't hit on my wife today"

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