Chapter 8

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Stephanie's POV

It's been a week since Alex told us that she is ready to have a baby. Maya and I were ready since we got married but our sweet Alex wasn't ready yet and that's fine. We understood her reasons and never pressured her about it. She sees the horrible side of the world every day. She deals with patients trying to save their lifes so she was allowed to be scared.

But now....we can finally build our family.

I walk through the hospital door and up with the elevator to the orthopedic floor. We have our first appointment today with our gynecologist to see when we can start and she will explain everything to us. Alex said she wants to carry first. He argument was that she needed time off from work and we all know she can just take time off but she will feel to bad. So if she is carrying our child she wouldn't feel so guilty and also because she doesn't work for herself. Seeing that Maya and I are our own bosses we can change our schedules when we want to, which is also a fair point.

Maya and I agreed immediately just actually happy to start a family.

I walk down the hallway to where Alex's consulting rooms are. I open the door to a nice reception area which we all helped decorate. I see a a woman and her son sitting on the waiting couches and then a beautiful blonde woman chatting to the receptionist who luckily knows us by now. And by that I mean all our tricks we pull to have some fun.

"So then I ordered these big beautiful white frames that will go perfectly with it" I hear Maya whisper with excitement. Usually the waiting room should be quiet but Maya is always a chatter box. She is talking in her lowest voice thankfully.

I come up behind her and wrap my hands around her small waist and kiss the top of her head. Me wearing my heels make me a bit taller than Maya. Even though she is the shortest out of all of us, she hates to admit it.

She runs her hands along my arms while still listening to the receptionist showing her photos of picture frames for some reason.

"Hi honey" she finally turns around and gives me a kiss.

"Good morning Anna" I smile at the receptionist.

"Good morning Mrs Woods." She smiles back at me.

Maya takes my hand and we sit down on one of the couches. "She is just out busy with a patient" she informs me and I nodd. We know it's against the law for us to wait in her office. Well of course I would know that even if we are married there is still files in there that we cannot see.

"So what did you order this time?" I ask her.

She smiles wide and blushes a bit. She loves to shop and we all know it. "It's a surprise baby" she pouts and who can resist that face. Not me. "It's going to look beautiful" she says trying to convince me even though it sounds like a done deal so there is really nothing I could say.

I only shake my head a smile at her which earns me a kiss. She grabs one of the magazine's on the table and start flipping through it and every once in a while she shows me pictures that she finds interesting and thought I should see.

I am actually very relaxed today. I took the rest of the day off just after I went and check on a few things at the office before I came here. I have a big corruption case coming up in a few days and I need some time to prepare for that and the best way is at home.

Two minutes later the door opens and Alex walks in with her navy blue scrubs. Maya and I immediately smirk at her. She hates her scrubs but she looks so hot in it.

She gives a polite smile to the mother and son sitting on the other side of the room. "I am sorry I am late I will be with you in just a moment"
The mother smiled and nodded very appreciative of the apology even if it isn't necessary, Alex is a doctor. She saves lifes on a daily basis. She obviously came out of surgery just now.

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