Chapter 33

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Maya's POV

We watch Alex disappear up the stairs and I take a deep breath. Stephanie turns to me and she gives me this look. Something is definitely wrong with her and it launches an immediate concern for both of us. I really hope her new patient is ok. She has been stressing about her for the whole weekend.

"Is Alex ok?" my mom asks in a soft tone.

"Yeah mom sorry, she is just a bit tired. She said she had a tough day." I sigh. "She doesn't like to talk about it."

"She shouldn't keep things bottled up like that" my dad says with a frown.

"No she doesn't." I quickly object.

"She'll tell us later tonight." Stephanie smiles. "She doesn't want her work to upset you."

"Shame, we don't mind hearing about her day"

"I know mom" I smile in appreciation. " Sometimes she doesn't even want to tell us about it."

"I think we should go home" my dad looks at my mom.

"No please stay" Stephanie quickly steps in.

"Steph it's fine" my mom stands up. "It's late anyway and I think Riley is going to be a handful tonight."

I sigh just thinking about it. She'll probably be crying the whole time and then Alex won't be able to handle them both.

"I'll go see if she is ok." I stand up. "Steph just take the dessert out the fridge please. I'll be right back."

I put a reassuring hand on Stephanie's shoulder before I walk past her.

As I reach the top of the stairs I hear Alex's voice but she's not talking to the twins. She is on the phone with someone. I walk closer and stand in the doorway. Alex has the twins sitting on the changing table with her phone to her ear and her back towards me as she entertains them with some for their toys.

"Yeah we can definitely talk about it tomorrow ok. I'll let you know if it will be at the office or here."

I frown as I listen to her talk. I don't know who she is talking to but it's sounds like she's scheduling a meeting with someone.

I lean against the doorway and listen to her conversation. I am all for giving my wives their privacy but something is wrong with Alex so all the rules are out the window. Now I will listen to hear what the fuck is going on.

"Are you ok though? Are you alone tonight?"

Now my frown deepens a bit. I don't like those words. I don't like them at all. Who is she worried about and why the fuck is she asking if they're alone?

Right when my anger starts building up, she turns around and jumps at the sight of me. She holds her heart and mouths 'you scared me'

I only raise my eyebrow at her and keep looking at her. She just sighs and shakes her head. She obviously knows I'm not happy about this little situation we have here. But I'm going to wait till she finishes her conversation, I mean I don't want to be rude.

She gives me an innocent look and sighs.

"Ok Dylan please call me if you're not. I'll come immediately." she says in a sincere tone and every once of anger leaves me body. Just like that.

The frown doesn't dissappear though. I'm still worried about her and now Dylan is involved. What the hell happened?

"Ok see you tomorrow. Love you. Bye" she puts the phone down and I stand up straight.

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