Chapter 20

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Stephanie's POV

As I look down to the busy streets of New York I can see winter came early. Everyone is wearing thick winter coats just like I was this morning. It hasn't snowed yet but I think it will also come early this year.

"Mrs Woods, your wife is here"

I hear Carl say through the intercom. He doesn't have to announce their arrival but he is still new so I let it slide. Alex and Maya can come in whenever they want.

"Hi honey" Maya steps in my office and I turn away from the window to see her beautiful smile. She has her coat in her hand because it's much warmer in here then out there.

"Hey baby" I smile and hold out my hand for her to take as she walks over to me. She gives me a kiss and wraps her arms around my waist, and we both look out the window again.

"Are you ready for our meeting?" I ask after a few seconds.

"Yeah, I just want to get it over with actually." she shrugs and walks to the other side of my desk to sit down. "I like your new assistant by the way"

"Yeah yeah" I laugh and roll my eyes. She and Alex basically made me hire him.

Today we have a meeting scheduled with Daniel Hugh. He is the guy who wants to buy Maya's restaurant. I called him to set up a formal meeting because he constantly sends people to the restaurant to give Maya an offer. It took a while before he agreed, so here we are at five pm because this is the only time he had to spare. Maybe buying her restaurant isn't that important after all. I wasn't really keen to come here.

"The shoes are fucking killing me." I groan and wiggle my toes. "Every time I wear them, I say to myself to throw them out but then I forget."

"Which one's babe?" she asks and looks under my desk. I put my feet further out for her too see and she gives me a knowing look. "Oh my gosh I do the exact same thing. I always forget to throw them out but I don't wear them a lot."

"They are going in the bin tonight."

She only laughs with a slight nod.

About fifteen minutes later Carl knocks on my door and we stand up. "Ok let's do this sweetheart."

I fix my blazer and get my file ready in my hands.

"Oooh I love it when you get all lawyery" Maya bites her bottom lip with a seductive smirk.

"Baby stop" I laugh and walk to the door. I open it up and behind it I find a very well dressed man with not a hair out of place. He has a thick fur coat in his hands and sends me bright smile. "Mr Hugh, please come in"

"Mrs Woods it's nice to meet you." he says and steps into my office. Another man walks in behind him and I greet him as well.

"Aawh Chef Woods. We meet at last" he puts his hand out to Maya. "You are a stubborn woman."

"I will take that as a compliment" she smiles and knowing my wife, she is fighting the urge to slap him across the face.

We all move to my conference table and take a seat. Maya takes a seat next to me and they sit across the table. Carl has come in to take their drink preferences and left is alone to talk.

"I called this meeting to settle some confusion you might have." I start and he sits back and listens.

"Hollow Woods is not for sale and we don't plan on ever selling it. So we would really appreciate it if you would stop sending someone with an offer. I am sure you know how busy a person, who owns a restaurant is. She doesn't need any other distractions."

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