Chapter 28

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Stephanie's POV

Work has been kicking my ass lately. Things have not been going well at the company and it is stressing me out that I barely sleep at night. Alex and Maya have been so understanding with it but I still feel bad. They have taken over dinner and bath time this whole week. The only thing they really wanted was for me to be present when it's time for the twins to go to sleep.

Of course I have agreed to that. I want to help with everything. I am just so stressed at the moment and I think Riley and Jonah can feel it. It's like I'm giving off some sort of bad aura because they get real fussy when I hold them.

And I hate that.

"Mrs Woods"

My new assistant interrupts my focused attention by peeking through  my door.

"Yes?" I look up at her. She is now the third assistant in the last two years and my lovely wives say it's my fault that everyone quits. Which I don't get, I am a fantastic boss just don't fuck up on the important things.

"Your meeting is set up in room 3." she says in a low voice.

"Thank you Kelly"

I grab my files, phone and iPad before I walk out the door. As I step into the hallway everyone scrambles in different directions. I just shake my head in disappointment. I had a big staff meeting a week ago because things have gone a bit downhill since I took some time off. I really thought I could leave my company in the capable hands of my CFO and senior partners.

But I was only disappointed.

So I walk into the meeting and look into the eyes of my not so capable colleagues. "Good morning everyone"

I am greeted with fainted 'good mornings' and I don't blame them. They know they fucked up and meetings like this, on a Friday morning is not a good sign.

I sit up in my chair, lock my hands together on the table and take a few seconds to gather my thoughts. "Does anyone have something to say before I start?"

I finally look up and see nothing but fear in their eyes. Nobody moves a muscle or says anything. There are about 25 people in front of me and nobody has the balls to say something.

"Ok then" I grab my files and connect my iPad to the screen. "I just want to start by saying I have two 10 month old babies at home who needs my love and care but because of you, I haven't really seen them for a week."

Again nobody says anything so I continue. "I know some of you have families of your own and sometimes you work late hours. I get that but...."

I throw up a spreadsheet with everyone's performance over the last few months. Every case they had to look over, every case they won or lost. Every case that's incomplete and every case that had some sort of problem that nobody could solve. The worst result was the feedback from our trusted clients, big companies who called me with a bunch of complaints about my employees.

But that is a whole other list of meetings I get to have next week.

"The statistics on this sheet shows me something else." I stand up and slowly walk around the room. "This shows me that you are not doing the job that I hired you to do."

I walk up to the screen on the other side of the room and come to a stop. "Can someone please explain to me why I made the stupid decision to leave my company, which I've worked my ass of for, in the hands of people who clearly can't do their jobs?"

Nobody can answer me because they were all too fucking lazy.

"You have ten minutes to get your shit together and explain to me what the fuck happened." I grit through my teeth and they all push back in their chairs.

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