Chapter 7

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Maya's POV

Slowly opening my eyes, with the sound of water running knowing it's Stephanie taking a shower. I look down to my stomach where a naked Alex is spread out across the bed with her head and one arm over my naked body. There are no covers in sight and now that my brain is also awake I don't feel a pillow under my head.

I frown and slowly lift my body out from underneath Alex, not to wake her. I place my feet on the floor and look around the room. I smile grows on my face when I see a strap-on on the floor. All the memories come back to me.

We had great night.

My smile quickly fades when I stand up and my whole body aches. Especially my thighs, I slowly start walking towards the bathroom. The pain isn't great but I know it was worth it. I look over to Alex who is stirring in her sleep and when she turns around her strap-on is still on her body. Oh wow it really was a long and crazy night. So my smile just grows wider thinking about it all.

"Morning baby" I say as I close the bathroom door behind me and walking to the toilet. I can see Stephanie through the glass looking better than how I feel.

"Morning honey, how do you feel?" She says with a slight grin on her face as if she knows what I am going through.

I slowly let go but close my eyes feeling my pee burn. "Ooouuwwee"

"So not too good either huh?" She says with a sincere voice looking at me.

"No." I say wiping myself very carefully. "Baby could you leave the water running for me please"

"Ok" she says also walking slowly out the shower and I laugh a bit. "Stoopp" she says also laughing.

I through my arms around her neck and give her a kiss while we both still laugh before I get in the shower.

After my shower, I put on some comfortable clothes. Alex is still sleeping. Shame my pour baby doesn't get to sleep much during the week so we let her sleep as late as possible on the weekends.

I walk downstairs and the smell of rain and coffee hits me the moment I step in the living room. Stephanie has opened up the patio door all the way to let some fresh air come through the house. And my beautiful wife has put on some fresh coffee just for me. Alex and Stephanie doesn't really drink coffee and I don't just drink any coffee. I have a very picky taste when it comes to coffee.

Stephanie is placed in front of the couch doing something on her iPad. She doesn't like to work on the weekends but every Saturday morning she just checks on her emails.

I walk behind the couch and give her a kiss on the head. "Thanks for my coffee honey"

"Hhmm" she moans from my touch. "You are welcome"

"Will you come sit by me when you are done?" I ask her.

"I am done" she says putting the iPad on the coffee table.

"I didn't mean to bother you baby?" I ask as she stands up and walks around the big lounge set.

"You didn't, I am waiting for an email so I will just check it later again" she says putting her arms over my shoulder as we walk to the kitchen.

I walk around the counter and pour myself a cup while Stephanie sits on the couch across from me. I look inside the fridge to see what I can give my lovely wives for breakfast.

"Pancakes?" I ask looking back at her.

"Always" she says almost offended that I asked.

My lovies love pancakes, so there is always a mixture ready in the fridge.

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