Chapter 1

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Alex's POV

I open the door to our beautiful house. The sun has gone down hours ago and here I am finally getting home after a 24 hour shift. I hate being at work that long. I love my job don't get me wrong but I love my family more. I usually have 12 hour shifts but there was a big accident on the freeway yesterday so I had to stay at the hospital.

I walk through the door and immediately take off my shoes. I hear music playing in the kitchen and I take a deep with a instant smile on my face. That's why they didn't hear me.

I walk down the passage and enter the kitchen.

"Hi honey" Maya says with a very excited voice and wraps her arms around my neck.

Maya is a bit shorter than me but not by much. She has beautiful blond hair and ocean blue eyes. She occasionally wears these cutest round glasses when she reads or watches tv.

"Hey baby" I say looking at my beautiful wife, wrapping my hands around her waist and giving her cute ass a light squeeze. "I missed you so much"

I lean in and connect our lips. Oh how I missed those lips. It's only been 24 hours but it has been too long.

"I missed you too"  she says giving me a tight hug.

"What are you making? It's late?" I ask looking at the kitchen counter.

There are bowls and spoons everywhere with a bit of flower on the counter.

Maya designed the kitchen herself when we built the house. She wanted space to work. She wanted the most expensive oven and stove which wasn't a surprise at all. It's supposedly the best on the market, and well my wife can get whatever she wants.

It is a very big kitchen that has it's own little lounge area so we can keep her company while she tries out new recipes for her menu.

"I didn't want to go to bed alone so I am trying out a new desert" she says looking into the oven.

"Where is Steph?" I ask opening the fridge to get something to drink.

"She is in her office. She is still working on her case." She says and I give her a kiss on the cheek before I walk to where Stephanie's office is.

"Tell her my deserts are almost ready. I want you both to try them" she says mixing something in a bowl as I walk out the other side of the kitchen past the dining and living room. I walk down a small hallway and I here her talking on the phone.

"No Jerry, I told you to take fucking care of it and now here I am 11pm on a Thursday night doing your job."

I stand in the door and watch her walk up and down behind her desk looking for something on the pile of papers.

"You are upsetting my family Jerry and you know how much I fucking hate that"

Stephanie is a natural leader. She is definitely the stubborn one between the three of us. She is very good at her job and I wouldn't go against her in court. She will ripp my pour little heart to pieces. She is a wolf when it comes to her job but when it comes to me and Maya she turns into a puppy. She will literally do anything for us. 

I quietly walk into her office and take a seat in one of the chairs in front of her desk. She is still wearing her suite pants but her usually tucked in shirt is hanging out and her shoes are long gone.

That is a thing in our house. We hardly ever where shoes in the house. It's usually socks after we showered but we do like to walk barefoot. We have two maids every second day to clean our house and do laundry. Our jobs take so much of our time that when we finally have time, we like to spend it with each other and not worry about household things.

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